The delivery

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In the delivery room, Jade rubs Citron's head and holds one of his front legs (like a hand) as he was breathing rapidly (cause it's been 1 hour and 30 minutes since his water was broken).
Sylveon: alright then *puts gloves and a mask on* let's get this over with.
As Citron stops breathing rapidly and recognizes the voice, it was Sylveon who sewed one of his leg when it was chomped off by Jolteon when he was drunk that one time and then swings the sword everywhere.
Citron: Sylveon, is that you.
Sylveon: yes it is. *looks at the paper* so we have a pregnant male orange going into labor.
Jade: yes we do.
Sylveon: ok, *looks at Citron* all you have to do is push alright.
Citron: ok * grunts while he tries to push* AAAAAHHHHHH this hurts so bad already.
Sylveon: yeah, a lot of female scream when trying to push. But since you're going into labor, all you have to do is push, so keep pushing.
Citron: HhhhhhrrrggghAAAAAAAAAHH!!!
Jade: don't worry bud, I'm here for you. Just focus on the breathing,
Citron: I can't breathe AAAAAAHHHH this hurts so 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬 badly *screams while trying to push*.
Sylveon: jeez, I didn't know cursing was going to be involved, just try not to curse too much or the kid will come out swearing like a sailor.
Sylveon: ok, ok. *peeks under the blanket* hmm I don't see the head so keep pushing
Citron: *grunts while pushing (cause of producing a lot of sweat)*
Sylveon: oh wait, I see the head. Alright now, 10 seconds.
Citron: ok *starts holding Jade's hand very tightly*.
Sylveon: 10....9....8....7.
Citron: Hgg-AAAAAAArrrgh!!!
Sylveon: don't scream. 5....4....3....2....1.
Citron: *grasps for air* 10 seconds *pant* *pant* were too long *pant* *pant*
Sylveon: don't worry, we're almost halfway there. I'll pull the head while you keep pushing alright.
Citron and Jade: ok
As Sylveon puts both of her front paws on the head, Citron screamed a little as it was already painfull to keep pushing.
Jade: look, I'm here for you bud. Just keep pushing and then you'll get it out.
Jade and Citron: *kisses each other on the lips*
Sylveon: awww, this is so cute. A female jellyfish and a male orange going into labor kissing each other on the lips.
Jade: *quits kissing* alright, Citron, keep pushing. Sylveon, pull the head out.
Sylveon: got it *looks at Citron* you ready bud.
Citron: yeah.
Sylveon: alright now push.
All of the sudden, they heard some noises that sounded like crying. It is possible that the baby is born, fresh out of Citron's womb.
Sylveon: awww, it's an adorable yet beautiful jellyfish/orange hybrid baby boy *cuts the umbilical cord* I'll get this cutie pie washed up then I'll give it to you, I'll be back
Citron: hey, while you come back, can you give me a glass of water.
Sylveon: sure *leaves the room with the child*.

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