Bruhhh im adding a Oc x canon (bouta piss my pants)

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Lucifer x Saki - A tu Lado (by your side)

Saki and Lucifer had know each for a good while, Saki came from the heavens to sneak behind the 7 heavenly, and helped charlie help other demons to redeem themselves, the more time she spent in the hotel, Saki learned to navigate around the hotel and people,

She learned to not get so cocky with Alastor, she learns to treat vaggie how she wants (not recognized in heaven), she learned to not talk to Angel about work at all- and learned to treat husk to a night out to drink since he's the bartender, and most importantly, she gets along with Charlie very well, they both celebrated when they found out sr. Pentious made it up to heaven just fine!

All that was left was hells biggest boss... Lucifer, though their introductions weren't so bad, in fact, it was quite sweet considering how awkward Lucifer is.

"Omg! You are an angel?! I used to be one too! Omg what a coincidence! hahahaaaa..." he exclaimed

Saki didn't really mind, she found it amusing. And quite adorable!

"It's nice to meet you Mr. Morningstar..." she bows deeply

"Oh Nono! No need to be so formal with me! You can refer to me as Lucifer! Or "Bro" as people say nowadays-"

"Fufu! Well then. Pleased to meet you Lucifer.. you may call me Saki to make it fair..."

And like that, they hit it off so well! They talked about their past, their struggles, obsessions, and life in general, though she knew she wasn't supposed to.. she felt comfortable.. and opened up to him more quickly than she was used to, and told her traumas. Though she was expected to be scolded by hells biggest boss, he was surprisingly caring,

He would keep his distance and make sure she's comfortable talking or even tapping her first, she found that amazing... she never knew she'd have someone like this be so respectful.. let alone a demon even expressing slight sympathy! And she smiles at him..

(I'll wrote more here, I just need to learn to act like Lucifer first)

Lucifer came to the hotel with a bouquet of flowers, specifically sunflowers, her favorite, he was confused on how she'll see it. The poor girl is blind after all... but before he finished that thought she opened the door to the hotel

"Mr. Morningstar! Didn't expect you this late?.." she smiled

"Ah uh,.. A-again you know you can just call me Lucifer... b-but I got you something!" Holding up the bouquet of sunflowers

she took a feel, and felt the petals and the stem, as well as the center, and she smiled ear to ear

"Sunflowers! You remembered!"

"Y-yeah! Well I wanted to give you a break from the hotel stuff... so would you please be my guest and follow me?"

"But... Charlie! If I leave, she'll be overworked!" Saki's smile faded slowly

Feeling a slight shove, Saki turns to feel Charlie's hair on her hand,

"No worries saki! Go have fun! Me and vaggie will handle it from here!" Charlie smiled and closed the door

"Well that answers your questions miss... now come along! I have such a big surprise for you!" Lucifer smiled and held onto Saki's hand, dragging her across the town,

It went from a busy town, to a silent fresh patch... she felt her surroundings... and gasped... it was a patch of green grass! It seems to be well kept. It didn't feel dead at all! She felt around more to find that there are trees. And finally reaching a wooden platform... she turned back to Lucifer and tilted her head.

He took her hands and stood onto the platform, the sound of Mariachi jazz sounding music coming from every single area... the music sounding calming.,. And sweet. Until she heard the soft voice. Of a sweet demon in front of her, Lucifer was singing for her! His voice becoming softer than the sound of the music itself.

Hearing him singing stroke a heartstring. Even though he was singing in a completely different language, she could understand what he was saying. And it was sweet for her, with them hitting the chorus and starting to dance, and spin her around, Her too singing along to the sweet melody, putting such a romantic scene.

Slowly hitting the end, he put his head on hers, their faces so close. He held the mic onto her hands as he sung the last bit... "el corazon... que es solo tuyo es para ti mi amor...~" (the heart that's only for you is for you, my love..~) and as he finished, he dipped her and finally shared the passionate kiss he's been wanting to share with her for years.

Once they pulled apart, saki realized what she's done and her face becomes a flushed red color, but before she could think she went for a second one, and he returned it, and once they pulled apart, Lucifer took his hat off

"Well now with that done... saki.. I don't know just how to explain this,, I.. I love you. I love you so damn much.. I don't know exactly how to explain it but I love you... I'm sorry for kissing you..."

Before he could finish saki went for a 3rd one, on the cheek,

"Nonsense Lucifer! I enjoyed the kiss! And.. I guess... you can say I love you too..."

Lucifer was too stunned to speak, eventually lunging himself onto her, holding her tight and spinning her around with joy! Laughing softly and holding onto each other as if their the last thing they have

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