Title: My perfect hell (HARRY STYLES)
Author: WrittenSecretss
Genre: Fanfiction
Status: Ongoing
Summary -
"Candice Evans, a shy student at NYU finds herself being drawn towards her irresistible teacher and despite many attempts to stay away he gives her many more reasons to stay. "I've never kissed a teacher before." I whispered, more to myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming. Hell, kisses like that only happens in real life. "Well then, it was about time." I dared myself to stare into his green eyes, they were awfully close to mine and extremely dangerous, there was fire and flames dancing behind his pupils and for a second I thought I'd seen hell."
My comment:
I fudging love this; it's still not finished and does contain sexual content, a lot of it.
Warning: Mature Viewers Only
Must Reads on WATTPAD - jaybsmg
Roman d'amour{This is based on MY opinions on stories I have already read and that I think are definitely a MUST to read} WARNING: Some stories might contain sexual content for some readers.