How I Unfortunately Met My Dad

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Stitch, also known as 626, he had made the choice to stay with his so called, "New Owner", for his own protection and safety, and while this did prevented him to follow his programming and cause real major apocalypse level destruction, he did know how to have some, "Fun", despite his limitations.



And most of those fun involved terrorizing the random maids and butlers of mansion, either by pulling insane and honestly dangerous pranks and traps, messing up any work they finished like make a spot dirty again after they finished cleaning it, or just physically assaulted them personally, like chasing them, climbing their body, or even ripping their clothes and pulling their hairs, it was very clear that Stitch wanted to do nothing but be a true menace to society, and, well, let's just say a certain few aren't really happy about what's going on.

Specifically with the man known as Jacques Schnee, not only was the CEO of SDC getting multiple complaints and even having some, if not most, of his maids and butlers wanting to quit after such a traumatic ordeal, which was denied, but also, just in general, seeing how big of a mess that was being made, just made him very upset in general.

"Good afternoon Father, it seems you have met my new dog."
And Weiss Schnee, despite all that was going on, didn't seem bothered by this at all, in fact, even though she was called over by her father, she just simply and calmly walked over, as if there wasn't a reason to rush herself.

"Dog?! DOG!?!"
Which didn't really help in calming Jacques down.

Jacques was clearly angry with his daughter, but it was evident that he was more concerned about Stitch, who managed to find a can of spray paint somehow and write "Stinky Man" with an arrow pointed at said man himself, definitely making his pet owner giggle at this.

"I have no idea what you are talking about Father, Stitch has been nothing but a sweetheart ever since I adopted him."
Even when given examples of the many terrible things that Stitch was doing, Weiss pretended to not notice, even going so far to think her alien dog was nothing more than an innocent and playful pet.

"Are You Blind?! Do You Not See The Mess That Thing Is Making?!"
This was enough to make Jacques go red face mad, both frustrated with his daughter acting ignorant, and because he just noticed Stitch tilting his giant picture frame just enough to bother him.

"He just needs a little training and discipline, nothing more."
Once again, Weiss seems to not care what her father was saying, almost as if not acknowledging his presence, she seemed more focused with her scroll, looking through a list of cut pet clothes and items to give to her beloved Stitch.

"Listen! You Better Get Rid Of That Thing Or I'll-"

"Or what? Lock me up in my room again? Lower my allowance? Maybe even kick me out of the house?"
Jacques just about had it and was about to make a threat, but Weiss immediately cut him off and questioned what kind of punishment he would give her.

"You know, that last option doesn't sound too bad, so let me know when you actually decide on doing that."
In fact, Weiss turned the threat back at her father, as if challenging him and dared to actually do something, after this, a moment of silence fell between the two, the quiet air so deafening that even Stitch couldn't help but notice.

"... What happened to you?..."
Jacques lets out a small sigh and rubs his temples in annoyance.

"... Why can't you just be obedient like your Brother and Mother?"
And what Jacques said next was enough to make his daughter flinch and glare harshly at him, as if wanting to say something back, but said nothing and just simply clenched her jaws and fist tightly in response.

"Hmph, come on Stitch, let's head to the kitchen, I had the cake butler bake you a cake for you."
Weiss then turns away from her father with a huff and calls for Stitch, not because she chose to listen to her father's demand, but because she didn't want to be anywhere near him and wanted to leave as soon as possible.

Which Stitch happily obliged, especially at the mention of cake, jumping down from the walls and landed in the arms of his owner, who then carries him carefully and takes him away from the area.

'Maybe if Winter was here, you'll finally listen.'
Jacques could only watch his daughter walk away, shaking his head from pure disappointment and dissatisfaction, but he said nothing else more as he then walked and dealt with others that required his attention.

"Don't worry Stitch, I'll never abandon you."
As Stitch was trying to think of new ways to cause chaos and mayhem in the Schnee Mansion, his thoughts were suddenly cut off by Weiss suddenly speaking to him.

"I don't care what my Father says, no matter what happens, I will never leave you alone."
Stitch couldn't help but notice how soft and sad Weiss' voice was, which made him look up in confusion.

"I promise..."
Though Stitch, surprisingly, was then met with a hug, Weiss pulled him into a tight, yet comforting warm embrace, all the while quietly reassuring him that he would never have to suffer being alone.

Stitch didn't know what to say or do in this situation, even though he was used to being feared, disgusted and hated, this was the only time someone was ever being nice to him in such a way, by a random rich girl of all people, he just didn't understand why someone who treat him like that... Nor does he understand why it made him feel warm and fuzzy in his heart, so many complicated thoughts that he didn't know how to handle at the moment.

"Now, who's ready for cake!~"
Luckily Stitch didn't need to worry about such thoughts for now, as Weiss has finally arrived and taken them to the dinner table area, once opening the door and walking in the room, not only was 626 met with a large table of different size and flavors of cake, but as well as the many Chefs that made said mountains of cake.


Let's just say that the Chefs weren't particularly happy to see Stitch entering the area, especially when he jumped off the arms of his owner and wasted no time continuing his path of absolute insanity, whether is be eating the cake while making the most mess possible, or just tormenting the Chefs and Waiters in general, Weiss just simple stood back and watched her pet have her fun, as if he wasn't causing so much trouble at all.

'I wonder if my cute puppy would look adorable in a Chef hat~'
Thanks to her hate for her father, and her love for Stitch, let's just say, she is currently experiencing what most would call, "Rebellious Phase", of course she knows better and knows when she goes too far, but at the same time, Weiss just hates her father.
(BTW, since this Weiss before she met Team RWBY, she is still racist towards Faunus, of course, she will never own a Faunus slave or ever harm one, but at the same time, she will defend Stitch more than a random Faunus)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01 ⏰

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