Princess Class

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We reach the field where princess class meets. We are the first people there. We are playing around and we hear a prissy voice.

"Well, well, well." says Snowflake.

"Look at the little girls running around."

I groan. Of course we have to have this class with The Terrible Trio.

"Hi Snowflake." I say with forced cheeriness. "How was your first class?"

"It was okay," she says. "Especially since you weren't there."

I groan and roll my eyes.

"By the way," she says. " I know that you," she points at Flurry. "Have a crush on my soon to be boyfriend, and that you," she points at Michelle. "Have a crush on Arrow's soon to be boyfriend, and that you," she glares at me. "Have a crush on my cousins soon to be boyfriend. She saw you two flirting during magic."

I roll my eyes.

"Why don't you just let them choose." Says Logan. "I know for a FACT that my cousin and my brother both think that you are all stuck up, snobby, and selfish."

"No way." Exclaim Tropic and Arrow.

"Yes way and Darby?" She replies.

"Yes Logan?" I ask.

"What does your brother think of Snowflake?" She asks.

"I thought you'd never ask. i turn to Snowflake. "He thinks that you are a big jerk who hates his sister."

She gasps. "Whatever. You guys are obviously lying I mean, we're perfect."

Suddenly another girl walks into the clearing. She has light blonde hair and it's in a Katniss braid over her shoulder. Her blue eyes sparkle with mischief. She is wearing a woven leather bracelet that have silver charms. She has a horse charm, and a fashion charm.

"Hi," she says. "My name is Sarah."

I grin and introduce myself and my friends.

A few minutes after her, Pearl comes with another girl that I haven't met.
Pearls blonde hair had come out of her ponytail in a fashionable way, and now her hair was falling in her face. The girl next to her  had auburn hair held back with a coral headband.

"Hi," she says. "My name is Coral."

"Related to you?" I ask Logan.

"Yep." She replies. "She is my Aunt Attina's daughter."

"Everybody here is related to you." I say.

"Hello girls." I hear a melodious and very familiar voice say.

"Oh no." I hear Flurry groan.

"Snow White!" Says Snowflake in surprise.

My friends and I turn around.

"Hi Mrs. White." Michelle, Belle, Logan, and I say.

"Hi mom." Says Flurry.

"Girls!" Says Mrs. White.

"Wait," says Snowflake. "Your mom is actually Snow White?" She says disbelievingly.

"Yea." says Flurry. "Problem?"

"So when that one," she says pointing at me. "Told me all of your parents, she wasn't lying!?"

"Uh," says Belle. "Nope!"

"Anyway." says Mrs. White. "You may call me Snow White or Mrs. White, and today we will be getting your animal partner."

I raise my hand. "Is that why there are animal beds on our floors?"

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