Chapter 17

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Everyone was shocked hearing that it's her birthday today..

Dev was still holding her bridal way...he was shocked...he looked down at his chest and saw her struggling to free from his hold..he let her down...she ran to her room..

Rohan: we ruined her birthday..

He was getting teary..

Rohit: yess..she was crying so much..

Abhijeet, Rudra were staring emotionlessly at the stairs she went by..Dev was feeling guilty and he was feeling angst towards himself..Aryan was clenching his hand so hard..

Dev went outside in anger..... abhijeet started going upstairs toward riva's room.... rudra went to his office...rohan, rohit and aryan went towards her room to check on her...

Riva closed her door and laid on bed and started crying.... abhijeet who was outside her room could hear her sobbing..

He knocked on her door and entered the room without her permission..

He saw her lying on the bed and went near her..
Abhijeet: ik we always say sorry but this time i'm not sorry for making you learn your consequences for your cussing..i'm just sorry about the fact that we ruined your special day, your birthday....

Riva was still crying silently...she didn't even turned around to see him..

He got up and went out of the room after patting her head..

She cried straight for 2 hours and no one came into her room after that to let her calm down...

She went to her walk in closet and saw her face in the mirror...her eyes were swollen..her cheeks were red..

Riva: I hate them mumma..

She washed her face and now she was feeling hungry..she was in a dilemma whether to go down to kitchen or not...she decided to go down and if someone tries to talk with her then she will ignore him..

She went down and saw that the lights were off... she tried calling out maid and guards but no one replied..she tried to find the switch when suddenly the lights turned on and everyone started singing happy birthday for her...her brothers were looking at her with adoring and loving eyes..she looked at them with hatred and anger...they were shocked to see hatred in her eyes.... Dev clenched his hand into fist... rudra kept his emotionless facade but even he felt hurt...abhijeet was looking at her with hurt and love..twins were looking at her with longing eyes....aryan was looking at her with cold eyes but inside his heart was clenching..

Riva in anger: what is all this? First, you ruined my birthday which to be noted you never celebrated... now. Acting and doing all this shit..

Dev went near her and sat on his knees in front of her to be on eye level with her but still she was shorter than him..he tried to hold her hand but she stiffened and stepped back..

Dev sigh and said: ik i shouldn't have done that today...i'm sorry mera bachha...happy birthday to you baby..

He cupped her cheek and kissed her forehead...she immediately wiped her forehead with her hand just to hurt him and she was successful in that..

She went towards the cake and pushed the cake trolley making the cake fall off the trolley...

Abhijeet: RIVA.

Rudra in a calm tone: calm yourself down riva, i understand you being angry with us..

Riva: angry huh? I'm not angry with anyone because you all mean nothing to me...i hate you all...i despise you all

Dev: pls bachhaa, i'm sorry.... aisa mat keh plsss..

Dev said in a pleading voice..

Riva: don't call me bachha... you're no one to me so be in your limits...i hate you the most...even if i did nothing on my birthday from last 10 was still not that bad... but today you made it the worst day to ever exist.

Dev looked down at the ground..
Rudra went near her and picked her up in bridal way and hugged her close to his chest...

Rudra: calm down mere star... we're sorry pls shaant hojaa...

Riva was struggling to go away from him and was full on sobbing...

He took her to his room in his arms and everyone was looking at her with hurt and longing in their was feeling the worst out of all

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