Yay! Gay People!

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Lily popped in again, "Alright! I'm gonna add in a lot of people, so get comfortable. One of these groups in from 1998, and the other is from 2021. Enjoy!" She snapped her fingers and eight people appeared. She grinned, "Hi! I brought you here to watch Nicolle's life! Introduce yourselves."

Nicolle's eyes caught glimpse of a brunette and, with the grace of a stoned lemming ran up to her smashing her lips to the woman's. A teenager in a Friday the Thirteenth t-shirt cheered, "Yay gay people!" Billy held a pained look as he watched her with someone else. 

Nicolle pulled away from the kiss and grinned, "I missed you." The woman smiled and laid her hand on Nicolle's cheek, "I missed you too." Lily cleared her throat, "As much as I appreciate the gayness, as a bi person. I'm gonna need you to introduce yourselves."

The woman smiled, "I'm Dahlia Feldman, I was Nicolle's girlfriend before the pycopathic bitch killed me. Oh, and I'm from 1998."

"Lance Michaels, 1998."

"Hallie McDaniel. 1998."

"Mickey Altieri. 1998."

"Oh.. um Mindy Meeks-Martin. 2021"

"Chad Meeks-Martin. 2021."

"Tara Carpenter. 2021." 

"Sam Carpenter. 2021."

Lily nodded and said, "Get your snacks and get to your seats, so we can start the second movie." People nodded and got up to get snacks. Lily furrowed her brows at her father-in-law, "Who eats raisinettes?" He gave her a look, "If I want raisinettes, I'm going to eat raisinettes."

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