Intro To Chapter 1

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Malyiah pov:Hey everyone I'm malyiah Darkskin I'm  25 No Kids Single just living life I have no time for Love I don't need it I want it but sometime in life the things you love and want don't love you back Rn I'm in school for Asthecian skincare Work a steady job but ya girl wanna aim higher Career
I have amazing Homegirls Kaykay Amy Nikita

Isaiahpov:Hey yall I'm Isaiah 27 no kids loving living my life stuck in a dead in relationship but I do love n care for her but she just so toxic yall will see soon I work I go to school I'm working on becoming a Engineer into music I love my family. I have a pit who is my son Jax
I'm just ready to put a ring on the right woman finger and create my family

Kay:Hey yall wassup it's kaykay I'm work I'm 26 No Kids been in a loving relationship with Jake for 3 plus years And my Man thank you to my Mann Anyway I'm in school for cooking and Information technology

Trentpov:Wassgood yall I'm T 28 I have a Dog I'm working at a store rn my girl in class her name is Amy She is the best Girlfriend In the world yall

Amy:Hey everyone I'm Amy I'm 26 I do hair I'm in school to get my license My support is my loving boyfriend in the world Trent he works at a store Wal mart ppl talk down on him which is stupid and bothers me cause the one talking won't take they asses to work but forget them we have 1 year old son Max
He our world

Jake pov: wassgoodie yall it's ya boy Jake rn I'm currently training in the gym I wanna get into wrestling yea I could be  model ya boy Look Good always  but I wanna wrestle and I have a Amazing Wife Kaykay she Beautiful Smart Talent The Woman Could model for vouge

Nikitapov:Hi everyone I'm Nikita I'm 25 I'm A Future RN I love nursing and peace is all I'm about I have good amazing homegirls Maliyah Kaykay Amy my Girls Solid as rock Liyah The Chill Funny one but the  Peacemaker Kaykay high-key Bougie but Protective Amy the Mama then there's me The chill one but don't take no mess .

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2024 ⏰

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