Chapter 1

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       ~<|Seya's PoV|>~

        I watched as the lights leave the eyes of the pure soul in my path, taking a small sip of delious crimson liquid before dropping the limp body onto the cold pavement as I stared out into the busy streets of hell. I knew I was here after my brutal desmise, making me feel the urge to fulfill my craving to cause pain and gain blood.  I started walking to the busy street lit by neon lights as my antlers grew in delight and my ears back in rage as a sent a huge electrical shock into the street. This cause a huge black out making screams of terror as my perfect minions went on the prawl, but what I saw before me made me smirk even more.

     There I saw a pretty demon with blonde hair and rosy cheeks with a shorter girl looking more on guard next to her. This made me wonder why they are not running away in fear, but what they did shocked me most of all. The blonde girl walked up to me, grabbing my hands, making me stiffen at the action, but her eyes said everything I needed to know. She slowly guided me into a limo as my tired hoofs dragged on the ground, and my fox ears went down in content.  My senses were finally coming down from my feral high, making me realize they were talking to me without me realizing a single word they said.

       "I'm sorry, what did you just say?", I asked in a voice that could charm anyone around, as my eyes tried to process everything around me.

        "Told you Charlie, she couldn't tell you were talking to her as she became normal. That's one of the many side effects of going feral.", The girl sitting close to the door said shaking her head at her friend making me tilt my head to the side with a raised eyebrow.

     "Sorry Vaggie, I'm Charlie Morningstar, and that's my girlfriend Vaggie. We run this hotel I made to change demons ways to get redemption into heaven. I was hoping you would be one of our first residents, with you being new to hell and all.", The blonde girl explain making me judge her on her idea, but they did save me back there.

       "Why would you want a violent killer such as myself, in a hotel to redeem lost souls? From what I see it would not help your cause having someone as violent as me there.", I asked earning questionable looks from the two before me.

       "I questioned Charlie on that too, but she believes if the most corrupt can be saved, then the others should be able to as well despite how hard it will be.", Vaggie answered making me looked in shock at this answer from the two.

      "I guess I owe you two for back there, because I would be killing till death if you didn't stop me. So what can I be of service to you to make your goal come true.", I replied with some mischievous intentions as a giant smile grew on Charlie's face making me chuckle at this stupid emotion of glee.

      "You won't regret it my fellow friend, but what's your name?", Charlie squealed in delight as Vaggie rolled her eyes at her girlfriends excitement.

      "Seya my fellow demon, but I must say this journey will be quite a treat.", I replied reaching my hands out with a smirk as we shook our hands.

      That day was the day my demon life changed forever, and I could never say I regret meeting these two first before their blood reached my fangs. Yet I was not prepared for the struggles that lay ahead in this awful Hell city.

      ~<|Meanwhile In A Room Full Of Demons| Third PoV |>~

           "We had a new rival submerge hours ago, in the biggest city no less. This demon killed many of the residents there until the Princess dragged her away.", a young demon with puffy pigtails informed earning the attentions of the other overlords in the room.

     "And where was this new powerful demon spotted?", an older female demon with big white horns asked making the eyes twitch from a very Electric demon.

       "Mine, but I had no news of this incident happening until it was over with.", The TV demon answered earning a snicker from a old demon that is back and yellow from the other side of the table.

       "Of course it was your territory, it's not surprising with how sloppy you run your territory.", the demon snickered in a very raspy older sounding voice earning the laughter from the other demons in the room making the TV demon grow more angry at this action.

      "I want a full report if any of you cross path this young demon, so we all can prepare.", The older demon of yellow and black order earning nods around the room, but no one would know the full details from anyone in that room.

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