Issue 1: Gotta buzz cuz.

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It was nighttime and the moon was out. Sonic was about to leave Amy's house until her voice stopped her.

Amy (Off screen): Sonic are you sure you don't want me to drive you to Tails' place?

Sonic: No thanks Amy, I'm fine

Sonic then starts running towards Tails' place for a couple of minutes but he stops for a little bit to catch his breath and look at the night sky.

Sonic (Thinking): Man look at the sky, it's a nice night out.

Sonic then sensed something as he jumped up and barely missed a ninja star that was thrown at him. He then sees someone in a cloak.

Sonic: Hey buddy! Watch where you're throwing those things!

Guy in cloak: That was on purpose

Sonic: What?

Guy in cloak: I said me throwing that ninja star at you was on purpose! I was sent to kill you Sonic

Sonic: Well then, what's your name?

Paradox: You may call me. Paradox

Sonic: Okay then Paradox, if you wanna kill me you gonna have to catch me!

Sonic then starts running as Paradox begins chasing him.

Sonic (Thinking): How is this guy as fast as me?! Whatever just hope he doesn't catch me

The chase between Sonic and Paradox kept going on, but when they reached town, Paradox stabbed Sonic in the shoulder and tackled him into an alleyway.

Sonic: Gah!

Paradox grabs Sonic's throat with one hand and punches him with the other.

Paradox: Why is every Sonic so dumb!?

After punching and strangling him, Paradox takes the knife out of Sonic's shoulder and starts stabbing him in the chest.

Paradox: I said I was gonna kill you but you didn't listen!

Patrol cop: Hey stop!

Paradox then sees a patrol cop running toward him. Paradox opens a portal.

Paradox: See you soon Sonic.

Paradox goes into the portal as it closes. The patrol cop sees Sonic knocked out and bleeding. The patrol cop reached for his walkie-talkie.

Patrol Cop (to walkie-talkie): I need backup now!

The next morning.

Whisper: I'm doing good, right?

Tangle: Yeah, you're doing great!

Whisper was in the driver's seat of a car while Tangle was in the front seat with her.

Tangle: And we're almost there too

Whisper: You know, I thought driving a car would be hard.

Tangle: you're also doing good for your first time.

Whisper then pulls into the parking lot of the DMV.

Tangle: Okay so here's the plan, you're gonna go do your driver's test and if you pass we get to go on the road trip that we planned for months!

Whisper: Okay

An hour later Tangle is sitting in the waiting area of the DMV. Whisper then runs into the waiting area and then runs to Tangle.

Tangle: Did you pass?

Whisper shows Tangle her driver's license.

Whisper: Yeah I did!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25 ⏰

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