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Stephanie's POV
"Step,wake up .. wake up" someone said while, shaking me. Who would wake me up in these ungodly hour.

"Step, your gonna be late for school" again someone said, while shaking me,but a little louder this time. And wait.. Late .. But its still early,then.. I take a peek at my alarm.. 6:46 a.m.. Then I close my eyes, stil half asleep.. Then, I relized what I just said, I quickly open my eyes..

"Get out of my room, mom !" I Accidently shouted.. at my mother.
Then I took a look at her face, she's foaming with anger, with a tint of redness in cheeks, 1% hotness in here and 99% anger mixed together.

"Ah, is it hot in here? Eh? I'm sure I turn on the AC" I said nervously, and pressing the button of the AC, numerous time because of nervous.

"I watch you grow up with diapers only, naked. And now, your ashamed!" My mother burst out, with, smoke coming out of her ears.

" mom, seriously that's all in the past. This is now and that's that, okay?" I replied back at her, doing the OK hand sign, in the end. After I said that, I'm now pushing her out of my room, gently of course.

"But-" before she can finish her sentence, I slam the door in her face, i know this may sound rude but my mother's like my best friend. Luckily, she got out or if not, i might slam the door at her hands or anywhere else.

"Now, time to get ready" smiling while sliding in the door .
But, then I look at the alarm its.. It's 6:48 almost 6:49... Gotta get ready

Fast forward

And, the finishing touch, my glasses matching with my messy braid and fake brace.. Yup, you guess it, if your right .. I'm a nerd, well fake nerd. Need to be.

"Madam Stephanie, ma'm is calling for you" my personal maid Anna, informed me. I nodded at her, as a yes.

"Anna, drop the 'madam'" I said at her. She smiled lightly and bow.

"Yes, Step" She replied back, and I in return, smiled back at her. Well, you see, we're childhood. Though, she's 7 years older, I'm 15 and she's 21. Actually, her mother was working here as a maid since I was born, her familys and even ancestors are working here, generation after generations. She's like my sister.

Inside the kitchen

I was running down the stairs to the kitchen because I was running late.

I run over dad ,and give him a big bear hug and kiss his cheek "morning , dad". "Morning to you,too, angel"dad returned the greetings, calling me with my nickname for dad. And I back hugged mom, too "mmhh... I've got to go, bye" I quickly spoke my goodbye. Grabbing a peanut sandwich and stuffing it in my mouth. Quickly, running out of the house.

"Stephanie Toine ! Come! Eat here, eat a full breakfast!" Mom shouts can be heard through out the mansion. I smirk, hearing her getting angry. I step inside the car.

Inside the car

"C'mon, let's go" i ordered Joseph, Anna's brother.
"Yes,ma'm" Joseph said while nodding. Seconds later, he started on the engine.

*15 minutes later*
"Joseph, just drop me off the back gates " I ordered jose, for short, while looking at the window.
"But-" he's about to protest, while looking at the mirror to look at me. And I just stared back at him , to tell him I'm serious.

"Don't worry, just don't tell mom,okay? " I assured him, not to worry.
He just nod, not showing emotions. But I know he still isn't calm.
"Then, we're cool.." I replied, while folding my arms.

You see, even though, mom knew I'm a new actress pretending to be a nerdy, she never agree to not tell everyone that were rich, because some might bully me, in fact my mom tells me to threatened them to back away.

*5 minutes later *
"ma'm,we're here" he said. Snapping me out of my thoughts.
"Okay..*breath in**breath out*" I said. And step out of the car.

In front of the back gates

Here goes nothing..

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