Chapter 1

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In the heart of a mythical world, meadows of stardust, alongside enchanted waterfalls, collide to create two perfect soulmates.

Underneath a weeping willow tree, sits a boy with a book in his hands. His soft brown hair falls gently in front of him as flips through the pages. The sun shines down on him, leaving him to glow softly.

The wind slowly picks up, causing the tree's branches to sway ever so slightly. The stream filled with clear water, went by quietly and the whisper of the wind seemed to call him.


He was used to being the only person around. Sure there were animals around but they never brought him the comfort he longed for. Perhaps there were people around before him. Who else would have written the book in his hands?

The wind kept calling to him as he, reluctantly, stood up and followed wherever the wind wanted to take him.

He walked through the forest that taunted him with celestial beings. Through the meadows filled with dandelions. Each step he took left a symphony of stardust as he continued forward.

Eventually he found himself in a fiery realm. The flames danced around him as his body glowed in the light. The wind stopped and he assumed he is where he meant to go.

"What is it that I am looking for?" He questioned quietly as he continued forward. That's when he seen what he's longed for since he was young. He stared for a moment before stepping towards the one thing he was staring at.

There, in front of him, stood a figure with raven hair that hung low. The figure had dark blue eyes that stared back at Karl. The persons white and orange robes seemed to counteract the white and lavender robes that were wrapped around the brunette.

Karl took a step forward, looking at the figure before coming to the conclusion that the person is a male.

Something told Karl to step closer so he did. The other did the same, embracing Karl in his arms as if that's where they are meant to be.

"My name is Sapnap. Born from the flames of the nether and I believe that you are the one I have been in search for for years." Karl smiled softly, nuzzling his face into Sapnap's shoulder.

"Karl, born from the stardust of an enchanted forest. I was guided here to find you."

The two continued to embrace each other, scared that if either let go, the other would be lost for eternity.

Their bodies began to glow as they stared at each other. Suddenly they disappeared from their enchanted world into a modern one.

Except they weren't holding each other in their arms. Instead they were in different places at the same time, meant to find each other again.

'I just found him, I just found my soulmate and now I must find him again?' Karl thought to himself as he stared down at the table he was sitting at. Somehow, he understood how life worked in the modern day.

He stood from the table and made his way to the school. Perhaps he will find his beloved within the large building.

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