chapter three: two other people

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Tyler, Lindsay and Alejandro walked together to the nearby alleyway as they thought that it was a faster route to their home. "Tyler, this place is scary....can we walk the other way?" Lindsay said in an unsure tone.
"It's okay Linds, im here to protect you. If anyone tries to attack us, I'll rearrange their face!"tyler said, filled with confidence. After hearing that, Lindsay giggled, making Tyler smile. Tyler liked it when Lindsay was happy, even if she forgets his name sometimes, he still liked her. (Alejandro is mewing)
There was someone wearing a black jacket and a baseball cap walking past them. Tyler just ignored and continued strolling with Lindsay. "We should actually come here more often." Tyler quietly said, looking at Lindsay and smiling at her. "I still think it's scary though, at least I'm with you." Lindsay giggled.
They walked together as the cool night air breeze brushed their faces. Moths hovered over the nearest light source.
"Uh, does anyone feel suspicious about that guy?" Alejandro asked, pointing at the man with the baseball cap.
"No i don't. Why?" Tyler asked back.
"I feel like he's going to do something." Alejandro said.
"It's okay though, let's not think about him. We should leave people alone." Tyler assured alejandro and they silently walked together.
After dropping off lindsay at her house, tyler and alejandro walked together.
"Where do you wanna go today?" Tyler asked.
"Let's just go home, I'm tired." Alejandro replied.
Usually, Tyler slept at alejandro's house as his mother thought that he was independent enough to stay at his own house. She gave him money to buy a house but he did not want to spend any money, so he decided to crash at alejandro's house.
Once they reached alejandro's house, which was a big mansion, alejandro brought tyler to the living room, which was where tyler slept.
"Good night tyler." Alejandro said to tyler as he tucked him into the couch.
"Night." Tyler replied, and he was soon asleep.

"Ding dong!" The doorbell rang at Lindsay's house, waking her up from her sleep. Lindsay walked downstairs to the front door and opened it. When she opened the door, there was no one outside.
"Uh hello?" Lindsay asked, with a quivering voice. Looking left and right, she saw a van parked in front of her house even when his father said there was a no parking policy in front of her house unless it was a guest. She stepped outside to see if there was anybody there. Nobody. Lindsay wanted to go back to sleep, when all of the sudden, someone covered her mouth and something was injected into her brain, making her fall into a deep sleep.
Geoff was walking past Lindsay's home, she happens to live in the same neighbourhood as him. Geoff noticed that there was somebody on her porch, dragging her body to a van parked in front of her house. "Hey, what are you doing!?" He shouted. The man immediately heard him and took out a syringe. He ran and lunged at geoff, but he managed to dodge in time. The man lunged at geoff again, this time causing the needle to scratch his face.
"Ahh! My sexy face!" He screamed and jolted backward. The man ran up to him and tried to inject whatever liquid was inside of him. Geoff ran and took Lindsay's body and wanted to run to the nearby police station, but the man had already injected him and geoff soon fell asleep. The man then brought their bodies to the van and shoved them inside.

Courtney was busy studying while sierra was already asleep. Courtney usually studied till 3 a.m. in the morning until she was found sleeping on her desk. Her study desk took up most of the space in the room she and sierra shared. To make it fair, she let Sierra use the desk any time she wants. Courtney was wearing her big ass headphones with those googly eyes decorated all over it (sierra put the googly eyes there). She was blasting calm and soothing music into her ears as she read the articles.
Suddenly, courtney heard the knocking sound from the door. Who could be up at this hour? Courtney thought, rolling her eyes as she headed to the door. She threw her headphones on the desk before she exited the room.
Courtney grabbed the handle and the door creaked open, revealing gwen and heather outside, their faces covered with shock.
"What's wrong? Why are you guys here?" Courtney asked, expecting a reply.
"Owen! He was kidnapped! The kidnappers are asking for a ransom of $1 000 00!" Gwen exclaimed, grabbing onto Courtney's shoulders.
"The kidnappers called me and they said that they will kill owen in the next 48 hours if we don't pay them!" Heather said with her voice quivering.
Heather was very, very worried. She had been friends with owen since the first season and they had a good relationship together.
"Well, what do we do?" Courtney said, in a tone that felt like she did not care at all (she does).
Gwen was about to suggest something, but before she could start, Courtney's phone rang.
"Hello" courtney said to the phone.
The camera from the caller panned toward owen, lindsay, and geoff. They were tied to a chair and their mouth was covered.
"AAH! WHAT THE HELL!?" courtney shrieked, jolting back from what she just saw, capturing gwen and Heather's attention, even Sierra woke up and walked out of the room.
"What's going on?" Sierra asked while she rubbed her eyes.
The three girls (the ones that did not scream) looked at Courtney's phone and jumped backward.
"Do you want them to die?" A voice from the phone called out. "Or do you want to be the hero and give us the money?"
Courtney was in shock, but from learning from whatever she studied, the only way to solve a kidnapping case was playing by the rules first then striking.
"I will give you the money. Just, let them go." Courtney pleaded
"Okay then, if I don't meet you on saturday night at the Bayside, or you did not bring any money, those three will be shot dead." The voice said.
Then, the phone hung up.
"Courtney what the hell? How do you think we will get a million dollars?" Heather snapped. Sierra was still confused.
"Why don't we go to the police station and report all of this?" Courtney suggested, rolling her eyes again.
Heather and gwen blushed with embarrassment, they forgot police stations existed.
The four of them walked out into the open night, toward the nearby police station to report the kidnappings. Courtney told sierra what happened so she wouldn't be confused, heather and gwen teased themselves for not reporting to the police sooner. The night breeze blew against them, it was no longer night, the crimson sun was starting to rise, the sky turned orange-blue as they saw the silhouettes of the city. The clouds lined up perfectly like those kids in school when there was a fire.
They made it to the nearest police station or those "county" buildings on the west side.
"Oh it's you guys, gwen, heather, courtney and sierra." The police said from behind a computer monitor.
"How do you know our names?" Heather asked.
"Don't you know me? It's me! Dj!" The officer said, standing up and revealing the big brown guy.
"Dj? What are you doing here as a cop?" Gwen asked, baffled from what she had just seen.
"I don't wanna be the scared little mama's boy anymore! I wanna man up and protect the city!" Dj said, standing up and putting his chest up high. "Anything you need?"
"Someone kidnapped owen, he called me and told me to give him $1 000 000!" Courtney exclaimed.
"That's okay (even though everything was not okay), give me your phone, I'll try to check your call history!" Dj said.
Courtney and heather handed their phones to dj. He looked at their call histories and saw a number listed: unknown number.
Dj checked the number on his computer, which listed all the calls and locations.
"When the kidnappers were calling you, they were at this warehouse." Dj read out.
"Great! Now we can send in reinforcements to rescue our friends!" Heather exclaimed and heaved a sigh of relief.
Dj chuckled: "Silly heather, this is a small city. We only have cops, we don't have any other forces like..."
"What!? Are you serious!?" Courtney shouted in disbelief "our friends are in danger! How will we capture the kidnappers if we only have low level cops!?"
"Our city is too small, we can't just call the military to handle such a small case." Dj said in an unsure tone.
"So we are expecting a war so they can save our friends?" Gwen shouted. "Their lives are at stake!"

"Uh, mal, i don't think this is a great plan...." Cucan said, rubbing his hands together.
"Yeah, i know, it's terrible. At least we get revenge on the winners." Mal said maliciously.
"Must we always follow orders from the leader?" Cucan said, tilting his head to the right like a dog. "limits our freedom"
"Too much freedom is a curse, just like america." Said scott, who was sitting on a crate. "There are many crimes and bad people, like chris McLean." Upon saying his name, Scott fake retched. Everyone hated him.
"We don't want fights here, we want everyone to get along." Max said, while drawing a plan on the board.
"Im.. Going to go check on them.." Cucan said as he ran toward the room where the hostages were kept.
As cucan dashed into the room and locked the door, he turned around to see his fellow friends.
"Are you okay?" Cucan said with a worried tone. "I want to save you guys, and i want to stop them, like an undercover cop! I want to prove to courtney that I'm not just a useless delinquent! Here, I'll give this to you guys" cucan took out three chips and put it on lindsay, geoff, and owen's arm. The three of them just stared at cucan, silently as their mouths were covered with tape.
After that, cucan left the room.

Noah and code broke into the police station, both of them were panting. "Guys! Owen-"
"Yes, i know, I'm solving it now." Dj said, mostly focused on hacking into security systems to check the surveillance camera.
Tyler and alejandro also came in too, sort of like Sierra's birthday party, only knowing what happened to the missing guests. "We all heard the news." Alejandro predicted. Code silently nodded to show that he was correct.
Courtney stood beside dj, she also knew what to do during situations like this. "Guys! Check this out!" Courtney exclaimed, her eyes widened in shock.
Everyone crowded around courtney and dj, seeing surveillance footage of owen walking to a store about two days ago
The video was in a poor resolution, in black and white, kind of like those 1800s shows when they first discovered film. Owen was strolling peacefully toward the store, which was a few metres away (or feet or something). Suddenly, some random guy dressed in black lunged at him, injecting something into Owen's head, making him fall asleep. Then he was dragged into a van and it sped away. Everyone's jaws dropped in shock as they were seeing owen get dragged.
"Who would do such a thing!?" Sierra exclaimed in shock, she held onto Courtney's hand for her warm embrace.
"I have a theory, maybe it's one of those people who envied owen for winning." Courtney said, gripping onto Sierra's hand.
What she said grabbed everyone's attention. Courtney explained how their ransom of $1 000 000 was related to their competition in total drama and how the kidnappers might be some people they know or from the show.
"Many people were jealous when i won." Heather said after hearing Courtney's theory.
Dj told everyone to look quickly and everyone crowded around dj's computer.
On the screen, they saw a bird's eye view of Lindsay's house, the camera was probably on a pole.
A person ringed Lindsay's doorbell and hid in the bushes that were on the sides of the stairs. A few seconds later, her front door opened and lindsay appeared.
She looked around in bewilderment, trying to find the person who ding dong ditched her. She then stepped outside of her house and walked down the porch stairs.
"That stupid ass! Who told her to walk outside?" Heather said in disbelief. Nobody replied to her rude comment as they were busy seeing the screen.
Suddenly, the man sprung up from behind her and covered her mouth, then he injected the sleeping shot in her, and dragged her to a van parked in front of her house. Geoff was walking by and the man tried to attack geoff. All of them saw geoff and the man fighting. After tossing their bodies in the van, the man's cap fell off, revealing bright ginger hair.
"Look!" Courtney hesitated as she pointed at the man's hair. "That looks like scott!"

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