Part 1: Enter the Element of Justice

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I was using my magic to levitate my quill and write down my latest story idea on a piece of paper. My horn glowed a bright pink as I was doing this. Suddenly, someone knocked on my door.

"It's open!" I called.

"Heya!" Pinkie Pie pushed the door open, smiling and bouncing up and down. "I'm Pinkie Pie! I heard you were new in town, so I brought you a welcome cake! I didn't know what flavor you liked, so I got vanilla! I hope that's okay!"

"It's fine," I assured her, not looking up from my work. "Set it on my table."

"Okay!" Pinkie Pie responded. "Say, whatcha doin'?"

"Writing," I told her.

"Is that your talent?" Pinkie Pie pressed. "Are you an author? Do you write stories like Daring Do?"

"Well, they are adventure stories," I explained. "But not quite like that..."

"Hey, wait a minute..." Pinkie Pie muttered, staring at my flank. "Your cutie mark is a gavel. Is this just a pastime?"

"I suppose you could say that," I responded. "I also work on court cases."

"What's the snowflake mean?" Pinkie Pie asked me. "Do you have a dual mark?"

"Indeed I do," I nodded, setting down my quill and looking at Pinkie at last.

"What does it mean?" Pinkie asked me again. "Is your secondary talent making ice cream?"

"I could if I wanted to," I shrugged.

"Cool!" Pinkie Pie smiled. "Can I see?"

"Don't you have other customers?" I asked her calmly.

"Oh, yeah!" She gasped. "I've got to head back to the store! See you around... uhh... what's your name?"

My real name wouldn't fit here. It wouldn't make sense, and I'd stand out immediately, so I had to come up with an alias.

"Justine," I told Pinkie Pie. "Justine Frost."

"Well, nice to meet you Miss Frost!" Pinkie Pie called over her shoulder, as she was already dashing through the town back to the bakery. "BYEEE!"

"Bye, bye, Pinkie Pie!" I called after her, waving.

As soon as she was out of sight, I closed my door and walked over to my table where she had set the cake. I used my powers to bring a plate and a knife over to me, and cut myself a slice of the velvety, vanilla, colorfully iced cake. I then took the slice back over to my desk and continued working while eating. I came here to have some fun, meet all these quirky characters I had admired all my life, I knew they wouldn't just let me into their friend group, let alone believe I was some random seventh element of Justice, but, they would in due time... Sooner than I first belived.

*Enter Cozy Glow*

Tonight was the night, I thought to myself, smirking. I crept through the forest, staying in the shadows, until I saw Zecora's hut. She was always making special medicine for other ponies. In a small pouch on my flank, I had a deadly poison. My plan was to mix it into some of the medicine and hope it went to Celestia or Twilight or something like that. I paused just outside the open window and crouched down, preparing to jump. I listened to see if Zecora was in the main room. I heard a bubbling potion being stirred, then the sound of hoof steps, growing fainter and fainter.

She left. I thought. Now's my chance!

I leapt up through the window and slid silently into the room. A large cauldron of green, bubbling potion sat before me. I cautiously pulled the vial of poison out from the pouch and opened it, careful not to swallow any myself. Standing on my hind legs, I dumped all the poison into the cauldron. Suddenly, I heard the footsteps start to return. In my shock, I dropped the vial into the cauldon as well, and raced back for the window, leaping through it again, hoping Zecora didn't see me. I paused to look back once I was safely hidden in the shadows again, but Zecora just stirred another ingredient into the potion. I gave a sigh of relief. She must not have noticed.

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