Part 6: The Magic of Friendship Glows

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With that, I trotted home, and gathered the ingredients to bake a cake, making it into the shape of a heart and putting it in the oven once everything was thoroughly mixed. I sat on the couch in the living room with a good fantasy book from my collection, about ponies who had powers over the elements fighting off ultimate evil that wanted to mind control every pony into being his mindless slaves and take over the entirety of Equestria.

I started picturing the scenarios described in the book happening around me with the help of the vivid imagery. Eventually, I was drawn out of the book when the oven timer went off. I put on some gloves and took out the cake removing it from the pan and covering it in various shades of pink and red icing.

"Perfect!" I grinned, stepping back to admire my work. "And not a moment too soon!"

I glanced at the clock. It was about time I went to go pick up Cozy Glow. I headed outside, only to find the four of them walking through town, talking and laughing along the way.

"Applebloom? Scootaloo? Sweetie Belle? Cozy Glow?" I pressed, surprised to see them all the way out here. "What's going on here?"

"Oh, we were just walking her home," Scootaloo explained.

"We had a darn tootin' time together!" Applebloom added.

"We played games together and just talked about things we liked," Sweetie Belle nodded. "It was really fun!"

"I'm glad to hear that," I grinned.

"I don't believe it!" Rainbow Dash swooped in. "She's got them under some sort of spell or something!"

"Leave her alone, Rainbow Dash!" I exclaimed, stepping between her and Cozy Glow as she glared at her accusingly.

"She's sorry," Twilight held her back. "But she's got a point. It just doesn't seem possible that the four of them became such good friends in such a short amount of time."

"What about Discord?" I pressed. "He didn't have everyone under a spell."

"He was different," Rainbow Dash insisted.

"Not as different as you'd think," I retorted. "Princess Celestia even came to me and said she saw Cozy Glow has changed."

"You expect us to believe that?!" Rainbow Dash pressed.

She, Applejack, and Rarity scooped up the three Cutie Mark crusaders, pulling them away.

"She passed the friendship test I gave her in leaps and bounds! If that isn't hardcore proof, I don't know what is!" I retorted, pulling Cozy Glow close as I saw how frightened and hurt she looked.

"It's okay, sweetie," I assured her silently.

"How do we know you didn't rig it for her?" Applejack queried.

"You can read through it yourself!" I huffed, tossing it to her. "She's earned her second chance fair and square, just like Starlight Glimmer and Trixie Lulamoon."

Applejack, Twilight, and the rest of the ponies representing the original six elements of harmony silently read over the quiz, skimming though it and reading every question and answer, double checking to make sure I'd graded it correctly.

"I still don't trust her," Applejack explained once she was finished looking over the test.

"And I don't expect you to," I responded. "But I do expect you to give her a second chance, a chance to prove that this wasn't faked, to prove that she's being genuinely nice now, not trying to use anyone anymore."

"I suppose that's fair," Applejack nodded, taking off her hat and holding it to her heart. "But if she ever does anythin' to harm my sweet little sister Applebloom-"

"I can assure you she won't ever do anything to hurt anypony ever again," I promised. "Isn't that right, Cozy? Well, except in self defense. I mean, there's still people out there who might try to hurt her because they don't trust her--"

"Whatever. If she hurts anypony with her magic from now on, one, we get to say 'I told you so,'" Rainbow Dash spoke up. "And two, we get to send her back to Tartarus."

"Fair enough," I shugged. "Come on now, Cozy Glow, dear, let's go home. I've got a celebratory cake I made by hoof just for the occasion."

"Wow, you really did that for me? Thanks!" She thanked me, smiling.

"I didn't know what flavor you liked, so I just made vanilla," I told her.

"That's okay," She responded. "It's the thought that counts."

"See, you're getting the hang of all the basics already, huh?" I grinned. "I say it's only up from here. Let's toast to that."

I opened the door to my place for her and let her go in first. The two of us headed over to the table, and I cut us each a slice of the heart cake I had made.

"Ooh, it looks pretty!" Cozy Glow exclaimed, looking at the designs on the icing. "And it tastes just as good! Thanks again."

"Anything for my best- well, and first- student," I grinned. "I never really thought I'd be one to give friendship lessons, but for you, I couldn't pass up the chance."

"And for that, I can't thank you enough," Cozy Glow got up and hugged me. "I never would've seen what I was missing out on without you. Here."

She took a raggedy old-looking teddy bear out from behind her.

"This thing used to be my only friend when I was a younger filly," She told me. "But I don't need it now that I have you and the Cutie Mark Crusaders! So, you can keep it."

"Oh, Cozy, you don't have to," I assured her. "My lessons were free."

"It's okay, really," She assured me, passing me the bear and heading back to her seat before I could hand it back to her. "I insist."

I smiled, staring into the bear's eyes, which for a brief moment, flashed a rainbow.

"Thank you, Cozy," I thanked her quietly. "I'm glad I was able to help you. Now... to friendship!"

We klinked our forks together, and smiled at each other as she finished off her cake, and I finished off mine.

"Now, I won't be able to be here all the time for you," I sighed. "I'm a very busy pony, being a lawyer and all. But, I assure you, even when I'm not here, Goldie will keep you company."

I gestured to my pet goldfish as she swam around vigorously in her tiny tank.

"That's okay," She assured me. "I'll be fine. I understand."

"Now," I began, yawning and stretching. "Today's been a long day, eh? Let's get some rest, shall we?"

Cozy Glow nodded, yawning as well. I headed up to bed, turning off the lights and getting into a comfortable position, and Cozy Glow snuggled up beside me. Together, we slowly drifted off to sleep, excited to see what a new day with new friends would bring us tomorrow.  


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