thing if any1 was wondering

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hello faithful we are the champions readers. i think like more than a few months ago i deleted a chapter (chapter 8........... euueahauuehhgg) out of panic bc it gave me waaaay 2 much secondhand embarrassment, so if something seems out of place thats where it went. straight in the trash.
i seriously don't think that being an unmedicated 7th grader at 12/13 years old with total access 2 wattpad was a good combination this is literally what happens as a result of that. thats some scary shit man!!!! i actually thought this was the funniest thing on the planet!!!,!!!!!!
anyways its been a long time since i was last frequenting wattpad. i wanna offer my condolences to everyone that has and will read this. i hope you don't recommend this 2 your friends because this is just a testament 2 how my generation is actually cooked due 2 stupid 2021 satire. like actually it was so bad you're lucky if you didn't find the appeal and whatnot because it sucked. like so bad.
anyways this is probably the last you'll hear from me, the author, about this abomination of a wattpad fanfiction. i will not be paying any compensation 4 whatever ptsd you gained from this

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