unseen efforts

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living in the same state but never ever try to make a time , always come out full with unreasonable reason, but posting the day of my life in status showing to all that you are go here and go there , funny.

Living not in the same state but , living so far but still try to make their time to see me or take me home although theres so many works to be done there. Whats that show? It shows how somone's effort when they think you are THAT important.

In the same state, yet miles apart,
No time for me, no place in your heart.
Excuses flow like endless streams,
While your posts paint carefree dreams.

Funny how the distance shows,
Who's there for you when the wind blows.
Far away, yet close at hand,
They make time, they understand.

Effort shines through actions clear,
In the face of work and busy years.
It's not the miles that truly measure,
But the heart that makes the effort and treasures.

Poem of SandraWhere stories live. Discover now