Chapter 2

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so here's chapter two enjoy 💙
The rest of the day went really quick, only because it knew it was the rest of my life. 'stop being dramatic Ashleigh' okay maybe I am being overdramatic about this but can you blame I spoke to the bad boy like crap and now he wants to meet me somewhere that nobody goes. Now what thought comes into your head, exactly no witnesses. The bell had gone to signal the end of school and my body starts to shake and tremble with fear of what is about to happen. I leave the classroom with Farrah as we start to make our way to the car as I try to think of a lie that I had to say to her so she wouldn't know what was happening.

"Hey Farrah, I won't need a lift today hun, ive got to go shopping to get a few things so ill just walk home today if that's okay with you" I say to her pushing a smile on my face with all the effort I can so she doesn't notice a thing.

"Yeah babe that's fine just text me when you're home yeah?" she replies with hugging me while I let out the breath I didn't even know I was holding in. I wave her goodbye as she pulls out of the car park and she smiles and waves back as she eventually drives out of the car park.

"Well here goes nothing" I sigh to myself. I walk towards the abandoned car park to meet the devil and as I'm half way there my phone vibrates in my pocket.

'Unknown number: I'm waiting don't keep me here long'

I read the text message and look down at my phone shocked how did he get my number? I am going to kill whoever gave it to him. Without replying to the text I push my phone back into my pocket as I reach the destination. Next stop my very own personalised coffin. I walk into the car park and see him sat on the bench alone, thank god. At least he isn't going to humiliate me in front of a load of people now that would be too embarrassing. I walk towards him hoping and praying nothing is going to happen to me as he finally looks up and notices me. His evil smirk grows on to his face as I get closer and closer.

"didn't think you were coming" he says.

"well I did argue with my self whether to come or not but my conscious kind of won as you threatened to make my life hell, so what do you want I don't have all day" I say back shocked of the way I spoke to him AGAIN. He just smirks at me and walks towards me.

"You" he replies. The word dripping out of his mouth leaving me more shocked than anything.

"Uhmm what?" I speak finally catching my breath up with my words praying he doesn't repeat what I think he said the first time. He walks closer to me and my legs start to shake.

"I said.. you!" He softly speaks pushing his forehead onto mine and his hand tangles in my hair.

Now normally this would be a good thing, his hot, he is gorgeous and so god damn sexy. But considering this was the bad boy. It was Callum Hansworth. The jerk and player of the school. This was not a good position to be in right now. We are enemies not lovers what was happening right now?!

"I... um.. I have to go I'll maybe see you at school" I say trying to quickly escape his grasp.

Getting out was a success but getting away was a big failure. He pulls me back pushing us closer together and smashing his lips onto mine. I've kissed boys before in relationships but this was different. Sparks were flying everywhere, butterflies tickling my belly. What was going on I had to get out of here and quick! I push him off and walk towards the exit of the car park not even bothering to see if he was following me and thankfully he wasn't I just had to get home I couldn't even be seen right now and I definitely didn't want to see anyone!
Its been an hour since the little scene in the car park and I cannot believe what happened. I mean where did that even come from I mean I hate him, he hates me. So what was that all about.

'"what do you want" I said "you" he replies with'

The same words are playing back in my mind. What made him say it? I spoke to him like dirt this morning then at the end of the day his sticking his tongue down my throat and kissing me. I am just so confused.

My phone hasn't stopped ringing but I just cant seem to pick it up? Farrah has been calling all afternoon maybe I should just call her back? And with that I pick up my phone and dial her number:

It rings for a couple of seconds before she finally answers the phone:

"Ashleigh? Ashleigh is that you? Where are you? Wha-" I cut her off

"Farrah I'm fine I just had to do a few things with my aunt" I lied "Why haven't you been answering my calls I was so worried about you!" she sighs finishing her sentence.

"I know im sorry I have just been so busy" Technically that wasn't a lie because I was.

"Farrah I got to go but ill text you in the morning when I'm ready for you to pick me up love you bye" with that I hung up the phone and threw it onto my bed and threw myself along with it letting out a scream.

My phone goes off again but this time it's a text.

'Unknown number: I'm incapable of leaving you alone. I don't know what it is about you but I just can't shift these feelings. Ditch school with me tomorrow we can sort things out. Please. Callum X'

My eyes widen as I read the text message, I can't ditch school my mum would kill me! But then again if I ditch him then he'll kill me. Oh god I am in so much trouble this can't be happening.

I throw my phone on charge and change into my nighty and get into bed. I lay my head on my pillow and look up to the ceiling thinking about everything that's happened today. The kiss, the texts, everything before finally drifting off to a deep sleep.
Hey guys so this is the end of chapter two I hope you enjoy it make sure you vote like share and comment your thoughts 😘💙 steph x

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2015 ⏰

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