Chapter 1

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It's 8.50am in the morning and I'm at school, anyone would think it should be illegal to be awake and in this hell of a place this early in the morning. I might complain and make a petition, don't be stupid Ashleigh. I'm currently stood at my locker with my best friends Farrah, Sammie and Chantelle. They're having a girly a conversation about the weekend and me on the other hand is grumpy as it's Monday morning, I shove my books in my locker and lock it as the girls finally finish their conversation.

"So Ashleigh what did you do this weekend?" Farrah asks me.

"Well I did some shopping, met a cute boy and he totally took me out for dinner" I speak out in a sarcastic manner earning giggles from Sammie and Chantelle but also a playful punch from Farrah.

"I revised for this maths exam we have on Friday" I say to her after I finish laughing at my own joke. Yeah like the real saddo you are, now my mind is bullying me, great.

Unlike my three best friends I'm a nerd, I revise, I get straight A's and I'm top student in all my classes. It's not how I chose to be, I have parents who are very strict I was given the blackmail "you better do well at school or we're sending you away to summer school when you leave" and I could not be having that. I'm not popular at school but I have my circle of friends I keep it low though.

"Ashleigh, Ashleigh!" I'm knocked out of my thoughts the moment Sammie was calling my name and telling me the bell had gone and we had to get to class. I like first lesson of the day on a Monday because we have maths, maths has always been my favourite subject, what's not my favourite is the dumbass jerk that I sit next to! Mr bad boy, class clown and the biggest player in the school! Although I like to refer him as the biggest jerk in the school!
I take my assigned seat at the front of the class, now I regret ever sitting in that seat as the bad boy always misbehaves which means he'll get sent to the front of the class and my seat is always the one next to an empty seat and he is pretty much landed there every time. Maybe it's because the teacher hates me for being so smart, yes that's it ever since I got that B on my test shes hated me! I check the clock to see what time it was and notice how the bad boy hadn't actually arrived yet and he was 5 minutes late!

My inner self was dancing with joy that he wasn't in today but that was very quickly crushed as he walked through the maths classroom door. Silly Ashleigh celebrating too quickly! He strolls in and slumps himself down on the chair next to me.

Now let me give you a brief explanation on the good for nothing bad boy Callum hansworth. He's got short brown hair that curves slightly up into a quiff, the same hair style he wears everyday. Now I hate this Boy so much but when it comes to his hair I'm jealous it always looks perfect. Callum is the kind of boy that hates school but comes because he thinks it's his kingdom, he can get any girl he wants but not me no I stay well away from that area and have no plans in the future to ever, EVER enter the god awful zone! Farrah fell once into his trap and was his slave for all the horrible things his does and she had her heart broken, I feel sorry for her although we did all warn her that he was no good. So I swore from that day that I would never come in terms with Mr Callum bad boy Hansworth.

Callum isn't the only bad boy in this god forsaken school, no it gets better he has two sidemen that follow him around like sheep all day, literally. Sheep number 1 is Anthony Robinson the blonde one of the group, the second best as everyone calls him. Now Anthony is the player of all him and Callum are like evil twin brothers they know what to do and who to do it to, kind of mean if you ask me. Now sheep number 2 isn't all bad if I'm honest. Christian Davies. Now Christian isn't mean if you ask me he's more like laid back but does throw the cheeky comment around to people if you get on the bad side of him. He is HOT. If I was for some reason trapped in a room with the three of these boys and was told I had to choose one to be his girlfriend it would definitely be Christian. But unluckily for me Christian isn't a total player like his stuck up friends and he has a girlfriend that he met in year 8 when she moved to the school now she's the queen B of the popular girls and they have been together since and we're now in year 11.
I'm sat doing the maths quiz we have been given by the teacher and I'm dancing with the little angels in my head as I am almost finished and I think I have done well!

"Hey bookworm help me with this question as you are almost finished!" Callum whispers and smirks at me.

"how about you study on your own and get the work done by yourself instead of bothering someone who actually wants to pass her grades and finish sch-" my eyes widen when I finally realise who I was talking to. He's sat their smirking at me.

"Someone got out of the wrong side of the bed this morning, jheez I just needed help" He says. "Just like you when I'm finished with you" He adds which makes me blush and get scared all of a sudden. 'oh well done idiot now he wants to kill you' my subconscious speaks. 'oh what would you know' I think back to myself. He sees me blush and laughs and sticks a note on my desk timing with the bell he turns to me winks and says "Laters baby". I blush again and shove the small note in my pocket before Chantelle notices it.

"I'm just going to pop to the little girls room guys I'll meet you in science" I smile a forced smile so they didn't notice that really I was going to plan my own funeral that the bad boy was about to make me need. They smile back and I take that as my time to retreat. I quickly hurry off to the ladies bathroom without bumping into anyone on the way but also trying to be quick so I wouldn't be late to my lesson although we do have a 10 minute break so it kinda was a lucky escape.

I finally reach the toilets and drag the note out of my pocket and read it. And it read;

'You are a cheeky girl for a bookworm aren't you, doesn't matter anyway. Meet me at the back car park after school don't bring anyone just yourself and that fine ass;) don't let me down or I'll make your life hell be there don't be late. Callum.'

I look at the note with a shocked look on my face, why would he want me to meet him I hate that guy. Now no one goes to the back carpark because its basically been a no go zone since there was a huge fight that left someone in a coma, but obviously the bad boy would want to break the rules and go there but I am a good girl and don't think I should go there what if we get caught? No I'm not going I've decided. 'But he'll just make your life hell if you don't go you dumb bitch' my subconscious speaks and again she's right but still very rude talking to me like that! I have to go even if its just for a couple of minutes then he can't give me a load of crap at school!

The bell brings me back from my thoughts and makes me realise that I have a lesson to get to one to enjoy for the last time before the bad boy brings my life to end. Oh life I love you dearly I'm sorry I haven't spent you well. I shove the note back in my pocket and make my way to the science lesson.
Heys guys steph here:) let me know what you think in the comments below if it's good enough ill carry on with it💙 thanks x

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