Winging it and Dog?

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My dream was really weird let me tell you that. I had a dream that me and my sister went into a portal and were stuck in some Harry Potter universe and that my other siblings came as well but we had to find them because they went through a different kind of crazy right. I opened my eyes to see hopefully my room at home and this was most definitely not, and this is not my bed, and these were not my clothes. Oh, for goodness' sake, why is this not a dream let it be a dream! I sat up to look around the room again it was a very nice room the sunlight was just peeking through the curtains from the windows on my right. I could hear some birds outside as well as some other noises like horses. I started to climb out of bed so I could snoop a bit. I mean if I going to be staying here for a bit then you know I'm going to snoop. Plus, they think I'm their kid so why not. I walked around the room taking in every detail and everything in the room with me. There was a desk next to the door and a chair. the bed was somewhat in the middle with the headboard next to the wall and two nightstands next to it on either side. There were a couple of lamps around the room with green shading at least I this those are lamps. There was also a wardrobe to the side of the desk. the floor had a nice rug placed on the wooden floors. Thats a tripping hazard for me. Honestly, it's a nice room but too many things in it. what if something fell on me and I died. I mean I am tiny now and these things are huge! Wait why am I thinking this way? and wait where are the books? Does Rito have books in her room? At the reminder of my sister, I quickly make my way to the door and reach out to open the door so I can check on her and possibly figure out what we should do because it doesn't look as if we will be leaving anytime soon. I cracked open the door to see if anyone was out or awake. all i could hear was the sound of loud snoring coming from up above. How I didn't notice before well probably because my dad snores like that. Sounds like a leaf blower. I snicker to myself slightly at the thought as I make my way across the hall was, I saw Rito was taken after I shut my door quietly. I cracked her door open to peek inside and see her room is pretty much the same but more warm colors like reds with yellow instead of green. I saw a small lump in a big cradle. I may have snorted a bit because that's just funny she slept in a cradle. Ha. I made my way over have entering and shutting the door. I saw a chair over to the side of her cradle and pushed it over in front of the cradle luckily it didn't make too much noise, but it did make enough to make Willow start shifting in her sleep. She started to mumble something and make little noises as I climbed up the chair to get in the cradle. "Wilson give me back the chicken nuggets!" I'm sorry say what now. ha. She still sleep-talks here! I climbed into the cradle and started to poke her, but this child had the audacity to smack me away. "Rito. Rito. Riiiiito. Rito. Rito!" I finally had enough and pinched her. "Ahh! What the heck! why are you pinching me? Why are you in here? Better yet how did you get in here and where we are?" well that woke her up now she is smacking me. "Hey, don't smack and I got here through the door and on a chair. Be quiet will you we don't want to wake up the entire house we need to talk." she had finally stopped but was still glaring at me. "So, it wasn't a dream, was it?!" I sighed at that "No it wasn't a dream. I think we travel to a different universe, and we also became these people's children. I also think we are in some Harry potter Universe." her eyes widened at that "harry Potter!?" I couldn't help but smirk at that. "Yes, Harry Potter! Was that not your first thought? That's surprising since this is your favorite!" she huffed at me before answering "I did think Harry Potter, but I am still reeling from it plus this isn't entirely harry potter I mean have you looked at the clothes difference and the lack of electricity around here?" I couldn't help but roll my eyes at that honestly this woman she must think that I am nitwit something if Shes asking if I have noticed the lack of electricity. "Yes, I did happen to notice. But what are we going to do? You talk really well for a two-year-old and we don't know how they expect us to talk or act. We need a plan for this to work for us until we can get back home." her face scrunched up slightly as she processed what I said. After a moment she spoke "Yeah, I guess you're right. We'll just have to take it slowly and see how it goes as for my speech well start finding books with pictures and start reading them and us talking so that it looks as though I have learned quickly. Wait do women read during this time?" she titled her head to the side as she asked me that. " I believe so. I mean they had to read letters sent to them, correct?" she nodded at this. Honestly even if women didn't read in this time we would have read anyways because books are life! " Okay so we'll do that. Hopefully that isn't seen as too much of a problem." so that solves that problem sort of "Are we going to plan more later or are we just going to wing it?" I honestly am curious about her answer to this "We wing it for now then we plan at a later date." she shrugged at me. There was the sound of footsteps coming down the hallway towards the room making both of us turn towards the door. "Seraphina. time to get up." The woman from the other night Ellie, Ella I can't remember knocked on the door to the one across the hall and could be heard opening it. Thinking fast I pulled Willow under the blankets with me "Quick under the blankets!" The woman across the hall let out a gasp probably noticing that I wasn't in bed. The door to the room we were in was opened followed by heavy footsteps that were definitely not the womans. "Matthias, Seraphina is not in her room!" another set of footsteps soon joined the room. "Oh, I think I know where she went." suddenly there were hands that were tickling us through the blankets. Now I am not that ticklish but will squirm around if you try. my sister however is very ticklish to the point that if you just hover your hand a few feet away from her and wiggle your fingers she starts to squeal and squirm about. and that it exactly what happened as soon as the man from last night started to tickle us, we immediately were flailing about trying to escape while giggling and squealing. The blanket was soon disregarded, and we were trying to get up to escape. I eventually was able to and was about to go to the other side when I felt myself be picked up and be tickled again but this time by a smaller set of hands than the ones that had originally been tickling me. "And what do you think you are doing over here in your sister's bed instead of your own? Didn't I tell you to stay your room young missy!" I could tell that she was not angry at me really at least not like last night. She was giggling as she tickled me, and I could hear Rito also was being tickled still if her squeals were anything to go off of. eventually the hands stopped tickling me and I could finally breath again. Wait how did we get into the kitchen? The lady set me on her hip as she talked to the house elves that were cooking and organizing. "Is the breakfast almost ready?" I looked around as the house elves gave there reply and noticed that the lady from last night was still in her Nightgown and that the man from last night who came through the door also had something similar on him. He was holding Willow in his arms, and she was breathing heavily as if she had just stopped being tickled. "Yes Mistress, and Taip went to feed the dogs outside. They are a bit restless since they have not been on a walk for a while." Pipsy responded while she was putting finishing touches on the food. After the mention of dogs that's all I wanted to see now and looking back 'Helena' as she is now called, I finally remembered that and saw that she had also perked up at the thought of seeing some dogs. We did always prefer animals to people less complicated you feed they stay. I guess it works with some humans as well, I mean take me for example you feed me I'll stay and be loyal like a dog. Speaking of the dogs I wonder what type of breed they are? Are they so fluffy I could die? Or short hair? How big are the noses? I must have spaced off again because next thing I know I am being transported to a chair at a table in a room I have never been in it was nice and you can see Lotts of windows that lead to a back yard. Where are the dogs? Before I can think too much Pipsy and the other elves make the food appear in front of me as well as the rest of the family. The table was covered in different things like toast, eggs, biscuits, bacon, sausage, potatoes, and many more things. Let me just say that the food smelled and looked like heaven and when I took a bite it was heaven on my taste buds. I think I scarfed down three helping of the food in front of me I think and Rito had three helpings of the food as well. When we had filled our bellies Rito asked the question we had both been wanting to ask but tried to apparently seem a little more illiterate about it. "Can Sira and me go out to dogs?" Okay I'm not going to laugh. Not going to laugh. Don't look at her you'll be fine. Just don't look at her.

I looked and started to giggle but stopped at least tried after she sent me a look. The two adults looked to each other while the seemed to be silently talking. "Please! Papa with a cherry on top!" I think he's the who will cave first so I directed that at him with some of my best puppy eyes and a small pout, even if it did feel wrong to call some else that other that my actual dad, But I guess he is my dimensional dad? Apparently, that was the right move because he did in fact cave. He he he "Oh alright, I guess we can go see them they need to be let out anyways" Both me and Rito started to squeal and try to get of the chairs we were in Helena struggled because she was in a highchair looking thing. "Matthais!" the woman I suppose is my dimensional mother looked appalled. He just let out a laugh and helped Rito down after he clean her face and any crumbs he spotted. "What they are going to meet them at some point and bond might as well be right now." Bond? He glanced at me then came and started to wipe my face as well then, my clothes. She huffed at that but decided to come with us to keep an eye on us. We went through the door that was off to the side of the wall of windows and out to the side where there was a shed of sort. Matthais went to the door while hold Rito and me in his arms. There was an elf outside sweeping some dirt off the path in front when he saw Matthais, or I guess I should start calling him papa? Yeah, I don't know about that. Anyways when the elf saw him approaching the door and his arms were full, he ran over to open it for him. "Thank you Taip!" Taip bowed down low to the ground before scurrying away to go back to work sweeping the dirt off the paths. Walking inside he put me down but held onto Rito I guess since she was smaller. I looked around the room and noticed how large it was inside. There was lots of space and lots of beds wait how many dogs are we talking here? There are more than twenty beds here. Matthais let out a loud whistle that didn't sound like he was calling dogs. It was followed by some deep barks that sounded almost as if they were dark. I turned my head only to step back slightly running towards us was more than twenty large black dogs with yellow eyes. As soon as the dogs came close enough, they started to sit down if front of Matthais while they let their tongue hang out of their mouth. "Girls meet the dogs. Now these as you can see are not ordinary dogs, they are part of the reason why we have our last name as a matter a fact." What is this man on about it's just dogs, ones bigger than me but still just dogs. "Now I want you to be caref... Helena, I know your excited to see them, but will you stay still" Rito this entire time was trying to get down so we could both mess with the dogs in front of us. "I want down! It's puppies! I want down!" Finally, she was able to squirm out of his grasp and she ran towards me, and we went to the dogs and let the sniff us before we started to mess with their faces by petting and squishing them. "I..." Matthais sighed he seemed a bit shocked but was smiling at us confused apparently as we messed around with the dogs that were surprisingly well behaved and let us do whatever. "Girls your father was trying to tell you something special about those dogs." we both turned our head toward Ella or was it Ellie, I think it was Ellie. She seemed to be a little in shock as well by us but was trying to keep composer. "Your mother is right I was trying to tell you the rules and what type of dogs these were." I glanced at Rito and saw her glance as well, then I looked back at Matthais. "These dogs are very unique you see, they are not ordinary dogs, they are what our kind call... 

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Hey everyone, thank you for reading so far. I just wanted to let y'all know that I may or may not switch the narrative just because this type is not my specialty.

I was able to finish this one and am almost done with another chapter for my other one so hopefully I get that out soon if my computer doesn't give me problems.

Anyway, again thank you for reading I will try to get out another chapter for both books I am writing out soon.

~The Author

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