Chapter 1

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Four Years Ago- Cardiff Bay, outside Millennium Centre.

Jane Foster was in a full blown conversation with her friend and colleague, Erik Selvig, when she heard the scream. Both of them looked round, and saw people staring and pointing, up the water tower. There, perched on the top, right at the edge, was a girl. She couldn't have been more than eighteen. Her red hair with blonde highlights was free, and whipping round her face.

"How did she get up there?" Erik asked. Jane shrugged.

A police officer had grabbed a speaker phone from somewhere.

"Ma'am, please, do not move a muscle!" He called out to her. "We will have the fire department here to get you down soon."

"Not soon enough." Jane felt chilled when the reply came. Her voice was calm, but filled with so much grief. What could the girl have gone through to sound so heartbroken?

"What's your name?" The officer asked.

"That doesn't matter. I am no one."

"You're someone. You're standing up there for everyone to see. If you were no one, you wouldn't exist." The officer said, trying to get her to see reason.

"You're right. I wouldn't." She replied, before taking a step off, and falling. This time, more people screamed, and Jane was one of them, but her scream choked up in her throat, and her eyes widened more than they already were, as she watched the girl flicker, and burst into flames. As the girl began to disintegrate as she fell, her green eyes met Jane's for the briefest of moments, before they too were consumed. It all happened so fast, but it felt like an age. The flames died before she hit the ground. But by then, there was nothing left of her somehow. Not even ashes.

"What the hell just happened?" Erik asked. "Are you alright Jane?"

"I- I don't know." For some strange reason, when their eyes met, she had felt as if there was something between them that connected them. What, she didn't know, and now she probably never would.

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