rainbow friends headcanons!!

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these are somewhat project odd related, somewhat not project odd related, so do what you will with these sucky headcanons lol

no this isn't about gender or sexuality

you gays had your month already /j


💙 Blue:

- Definitely gives the warmest cuddles known to man, his belly having a squishy texture similar to that of a beanbag so he can provide comfort to anyone who needs a good hug
- He's an air-headed and cocky fella who always flaunts around his "royal status" to everyone in sight, but get on his good side and he's just a big softie
- Smells like a wet dog fresh out of rain, likely due to his hatred of showering (trauma from being chained up during said activity, same with the other Rainbow Friends)
- Has very short fur that is super soft to touch; give him pets and he'll cling onto you like a needy puppy
- Probably drenches everything in his drool, but he could care less
- Finds himself envying his happier cartoon counterpart, wishing he could experience such naivety and innocence in his unfortunate reality
- Misses Oswald the most, considering he was the Rainbow Friends' creator, and hasn't yet gotten over him being gone

💚 Green:

- The random confetti pop noise he makes is kinda like a hiccup to him; it's uncontrollable and bothers him a lot when it happens (though it can double as a vocal stim)
- Since his other senses are heightened due to his blindness, he is very sensitive to loud noises and tends to dislike certain textures
- When sleeping, he likes to wrap his long arms all around himself in one big hug, much like a coil
- Tends to be non-verbal most of the time, but enjoys speaking with his friends from time to time
- Able to memorize people by the shape of their body or the sound of their voice
- After being created, his inconvenient disability was treated as a comedic gimmick to entertain the children
- Very insecure about his disability, so please go easy on him

🧡 Orange:

- Would probably chew on your arm occasionally like a dog giving love bites
- Loves riding on people's shoulders or being carried like a baby
- Tries play fighting sometimes, but always ends up getting someone hurt because he underestimates his own strengths
- Hisses whenever he feels frustrated or intimidated, most of the time with his tongue sticking out like a snake
- Has a terribly fast metabolism, causing him to look scrawny and weak
- Often needs to be muzzled due to his extreme hunger aggression
- Looks up to Yellow and Cyan a lot, even seeing them as older siblings

💜 Purple:

- Has selective mutism, so he sometimes writes in a notepad to communicate instead
- Drawing is one of his favorite coping mechanisms
- Forgot basic grammar after staying in the vents for more than an entire decade after the play place shut down
- Made of the same material as one of those sticky hands, as well as elastic, so he can stretch and bend as he pleases
- Very self-conscious about the way he looks; that's why he always hides in vents
- Will cling onto anyone who gives him the tiniest bit of attention
- Has the most control over his hunger compared to the others, choosing to satiate his hunger by eating the vent rats

💛 Yellow:

- This shouldn't come off as a surprise: we all know he's super shy and sensitive
- His stage fright stems from his strange inability to fly normally with his wings; he's very insecure about his disability and would have a breakdown if you ever pointed it out
- Turned engineering into a hobby after the play place shut down, so he pretty much has zero trouble fixing his propeller whenever the time comes
- Gets easily embarrassed from every single little thing he does, even if it's as simple as the way he walks
- Would probably cry if you ever hugged or praised him
- Just a little blind and has trouble traveling on ground due to his farsightedness
- Scared shitless of the other Rainbow Friends, except for Cyan and Orange... kinda

🩵 Cyan:

- Does NOT give a fuck about how you or anyone else feels
- A very destructive gal; she'll destroy anything in sight for the fun of it
- She's basically just a dog whenever it spots a squirrel outside; she's always chasing around random bugs, rodents, and even her own tail out of boredom
- Makes little chittering and clicking noises from time to time
- Does that weird thing that lizards do where they lick their eyeballs, same with Orange
- Hates the other Rainbow Friends, except for Yellow, due to her unreasonable distrust towards males
- Finds herself constantly feeling homesick, longing to find somewhere she belongs, though she has no idea why

❤️ Red:

- Attempted before (/j /ref)
- Hates and actively tries to avoid making any type of physical contact
- Please do not mention science around this man; he will probably go on a whole ranting spree
- Treats the Lookies like his own children, even if he gets fed up with how much they stare at him sometimes
- Treats the Rainbow Friends like his own children as well, and he'd sometimes cheer whenever one of them got an elimination
- Suffers with his own bouts of hunger like the other Rainbow Friends sometimes, so he resorted to eating Orange's food packs (and markers for some reason)
- Doesn't miss Oswald as much as the others, considering he was the last one created, and has no memories regarding his creator


sooo yeah that was everything i had to get off my chest about my thoughts on these disgusting creatures (i mean that in the most affectionate way possible)

anyways oswald d davis mpreg is real have a nice day

anyways oswald d davis mpreg is real have a nice day

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