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Beneath the surface of the sea was a whole other world. One in which an old man with blue hair was in charge. After thousands of years, Poseidon was dying. Zeus and Hades had perished long before with no heirs, leaving their kingdoms to survive without them. Because, despite all beliefs, they weren't immortal. They couldn't pass their powers on without an heir, which none of them had had. Having an heir meant falling in love with a mortal woman or man, which they had banned between the three of them.

Poseidon was on his deathbed, desperately trying to find a way to give his powers to another being so he could live on through someone else. His attempts were futile. Zeus and Hades had failed before him, and he was foolish to believe that he was stronger than them. As he wasted away his last few days, he finally cam up with a plan. He couldn't turn someone into him. They couldn't have all his powers. But they could train, and learn. He could almost rebirth his powers into someone else.

He hadn't wanted to give them to a young, broken girl from La Push. He wanted someone strong, someone who could carry on his legacy. But, he was almost dead. He could feel the life slipping from him with each laboured breath that he took. His powers took him to the edge of La Push, where a girl was sat, a cigarette in her hand.

'She's the one.'

Poseidon tried to resist, his powers had never disobeyed him before. But he was struggling. The waves lapped over the girls feet as tears slipped down her cheeks. He could feel the anger radiating from her and he finally saw what his powers saw. Flashes of her life. A tall, handsome man. Vampires. A hybrid baby.

Stupid, stupid vampires. Poseidon was almost 5000 years old when vampires were first created, a freak accident caused by Zeus and himself. They had tried to get rid of them but to no avail. They were slippery creatures who quickly figured out how to duplicate. Then the Volturi were formed, and the Gods had given up trying to stop them. It was too time consuming and they weren't harming the Gods, so they didn't care.

Whilst it was common knowledge that some particular vampires had unusual gifts, they were completely powerless against the Gods. Poseidon himself could easily take on 1000 vampires at once and come out on top. They were puny creatures who thought they were better than they were, and the Gods couldn't be bothered to deal with them.

The shifters on the other hand were treasured. The men of the La Push tribe had started shifting after meeting their first vampire, after Hades had given them the ability to defend themselves. Poseidon had always had a soft spot for the shifters, especially when they dedicated their lives to fighting vampires. Perhaps that was why he had found himself on the shore of La Push beach, watching the young girl.

'Hello young one.'

The girl shot up, her eyes widening as she tried to propel herself back towards the rocks. To where she felt safe.

'What the fuck? Oh My God I'm going to die. I need to stop drinking.'

Poseidon chuckled, he had forgotten how adorable humans were.

'Please don't be alarmed, I am Poseidon, God of the Sea and Storms.'

'I've definitely had too much too drink.'

'Ah young one, you have a lot too learn. But sadly I don't have much time.'

The girl looks at him, her eyes wide and fearful. He took her hand in his and started pushing his powers into her.

'I don't, I don't understand.'

'You're the chosen one. I will fade extremely soon, and I have chosen you to take on my powers and continue the legacy.'

'But why, why me? What, what's special about me?'

Poseidon breathes deeply as he looks up at the sky.

'I'm afraid you'll have to figure that one out for yourself.'

He pushes one last bit of power into the young girl as he finally disappears, his body fading away to join his brothers.

'Don't leave, come back, I don't understand.'

The girl drags herself to the ocean, and lets the waves lap over her body as the water accepts her as one of their own. Tears stream down her face as the waves desperately tries to console her.

'I don't understand.' 

A.N- putting my other works ON HOLD for a few months because I am in the middle of a huge writer's block, i'm so sorry :( 

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