Chapter one

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The sun cast a warm glow over the bustling campus of University of Lagos, illuminating the vibrant leaves and smiling faces of students hurrying to class. The air was thick with the sounds of laughter, music, and lively chatter, mingling with the aroma of jollof rice and suya from the food vendors.
Students dressed in colorful attire, a mix of traditional and modern styles, walked briskly across the campus, their backpacks and bags slung over their shoulders. Some stopped to greet friends, while others hurried to their next class, not wanting to be late.

The campus was alive with energy and excitement, a typical day in the life of a Nigerian university student.

Alex, still sweating from his intense soccer practice, strolled down to the popular restaurant in Unilag, his cleats making a familiar squeaking sound on the pavement. He had worked up an appetite and was craving a cold drink and a plate of jollof rice.

As he pushed open the door, the aroma of jollof rice and sizzling meat enveloped him, making his stomach growl with anticipation. The sound of Afrobeats music drifted from a nearby phone, adding to the lively atmosphere. He joined the queue, his eyes scanning the bustling restaurant.

Suddenly, he heard a faint laugh, a sound that sent a shiver down his spine. He turned to see a beautiful girl, her braids tied in a ponytail, her bright smile illuminating the room. She was sitting with a group of friends, their heads thrown back in laughter.

Alex's eyes locked onto hers, and for a moment, they just stared at each other, a connection sparking between them. Then, she looked away, her cheeks flushing slightly.

Alex felt a pang in his chest, a sense of recognition he couldn't explain. He had never seen her before, but somehow, he felt drawn to her.

As he waited in line, he couldn't help but sneak glances at her, wondering who she was and what her name was.

Alex ordered his food and took a seat at a nearby table, his eyes still fixed on the mysterious girl. She glanced up, catching his gaze, and Alex felt a rush of embarrassment. He looked away, focusing on his phone.

As he waited for his food, the girl got up and walked towards him. "Mind if I join you?" she asked, her voice husky.

Alex's heart skipped a beat. "Not at all," he replied, trying to sound calm.

She sat down across from him, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "I'm Tosin," she said, extending her hand.

Alex took it, feeling a jolt of electricity. "Alex," he replied, his voice barely above hi a whisper.

As they shook hands, Alex felt a connection he couldn't explain. It was as if they had known each other for years, not just minutes.

Tosin broke the silence, asking him about his soccer practice. Alex opened up, sharing stories and laughter with her. The conversation flowed effortlessly, like they were old friends.

As they talked, Alex realized he had found something special. He didn't want the conversation to end, didn't want to leave her presence.

As they finished their food, Tosin glanced at her watch, her eyes widening in surprise. "I'm so sorry, Alex. I have to go."

Alex felt a pang of disappointment, but he understood. "It was great talking to you, Tosin," he said, meaning every word.

Tosin smiled, her eyes sparkling. "Likewise, Alex. Maybe I'll see you around?"

Alex watched her leave, feeling a sense of wonder. He had never felt such a strong connection with anyone before. He couldn't wait to see her again, to continue their conversation .

Alex watched Tosin disappear into the crowd, feeling a sense of longing. He couldn't believe how much he enjoyed her company. As she left the restaurant, he couldn't help but wonder when he would see her again.


As Tosin walked with her friends to the hostel, she couldn't help but gush about Alex's charming smile and captivating eyes. Her friends, Nneoma and Shade, listened with amusement, teasing her about her obvious crush.

"Tosin, you're blushing!" Nneoma exclaimed, nudging her playfully.

Tosin's face grew even hotter as she tried to brush it off. "I'm just saying, he's really cute, okay?"

Shade chuckled. "Cute? That's an understatement! You were practically drooling over him."

Tosin playfully rolled her eyes. "Shut up, Shade. I was just being friendly."

But deep down, Tosin knew her friends were right. There was something about Alex that drew her in, something beyond his good looks. She couldn't quite put her finger on it, but she felt a connection with him, a sense of ease and comfort that she'd never experienced before.

As they approached the hostel, Tosin's friends continued to tease her, making bets on how soon she'd see Alex again.

"I give her two days," Nneoma said with a grin.

Shade hook her head. "Nah, she'll find a way to 'accidentally' bump into him tomorrow."

Tosin laughed, feeling a flutter in her chest at the prospect of seeing Alex again. She couldn't deny the excitement that had been building up inside her since their chance encounter.

When they reached the hostel, Tosin's friends insisted on hearing every detail about her conversation with Alex. They sat on the bed, listening with wide eyes as Tosin recounted their conversation, from the moment he joined the queue to the way he smiled at her.

As she spoke, Tosin realized that she had been so caught up in the moment that they didn't get to exchange contacts. All she knew was that he played soccer and had a captivating smile.

Just then, Nneoma's phone buzzed. She glanced at the screen and grinned mischievously.

"Guess what?" she said, turning to Tosin.

"I just saw a post on the university's WhatsApp group. There's a soccer match tomorrow afternoon, and guess who's playing?"

Tosin's heart skipped a beat as she met Nneoma's gaze. "Alex?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.
Nneoma nodded. "The one and only. Looks like fate is giving you a second chance, Tosin."

Tosin's heart raced as she processed the news. A soccer match? Tomorrow afternoon? It was like fate was giving her a second chance to see Alex, to get to know him better.

Shade, noticing Tosin's excitement, grinned. "Looks like we have a date, girls! We're going to that match tomorrow."

Nneoma nodded in agreement. "Definitely. We'll cheer Alex on from the sidelines."

Tosin couldn't help but feel a sense of nervous anticipation. What if Alex saw her there? What if they had a chance to talk again?

Thank you for taking the time to read, I hope you enjoyed the story!

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