No one but you

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You felt a flutter run through you seeing Stevie bringing lunch in after being on the road for the past four weeks after ECW booted back up with a new roster along with original stars like stevie. He pulled you into his arms after the two of you walked and sat on the couch melting at the warmth that washed over you being in his arms, "I missed you pretty girl" a sweet smile made it's way to your face as you buried your face in the crook of his neck with your hand tangled in his hair while heat flooded your face even after the past ten years together neither of you never failed to still make each other feel the spinning dizziness in your heads and your hearts quivering with a special sensation of fondness and tenderness that grew and remained as the relationship grew stronger over the past few years despite his nonstop schedule on the road and being a full time writer but two of you were always seen together hand in hand and side by side. There may have not been many good things Raven did for others but both of you always thanked him for bringing the two of you together when you arrived to WWE in late 2000 after writing for WCW for three years before, you felt dread fill your body not only by him having to leave the day after tomorrow but that you weren't enough for him while seeing the paperwork you had to have done by the end of the week and the laundry in the basket that needed to be done as anxiety and the headache you had earlier came back scrambling to put laundry in the washer and edit poetry which made stevie grab your arm as tears filled in your eyes from your head feeling like it would explode from the headache and trying to get everything done, "Hey hey..look at me, slow down I'm gonna help" he kisses your forehead before you did half of your paperwork while he put dishes up and did three loads of laundry before you did the last two loads. You sigh with relief finishing the last bit of paperwork while stevie took care of your shared cat Tai leaning against the arm of the couch when stevie massaged your temples almost falling asleep while staring off at the tv until stevie crouched in front of you, "You're enough to me" you lean up as your hand caressed his face feeling your heart swell in tender moments like this without a clue to where this moment would lead as tension oozed out of your body and love flowed through you instead pressing a kiss to his cheek leaning your face into his palm noticing a sweet smile and a slight twinkle in his eyes as he intertwined your hands together, "There's so much I can say how much you mean to me but it wouldn't be enough, I built you a home in my heart and you're the best surprise of my life that I wouldn't change for anything in this world, there's no one else in the world I would want by my side loving me unconditionally than you" tears formed in your eyes but then they flowed when he pulled out a ring feeling as if time stopped in the moment as you mumbled an emotional yes and held each other with smiles while laughing and crying sharing the most tender and gentle along with passionate and loving kiss the two of you have shared. The two of you laid wrapped in each other's arms like earlier but instead with the glow of the ring from the dull tone of the light and kisses being shared in between snuggling, folding laundry, and wiping the tears of joy that flowed down your face realizing that you were going to have the life you thought you didn't deserve as stevie caressed his hands along your waist and kissed your shoulder, "No one but you sweetheart, no one but you" he sealed the promise with a soft kiss that turns into a five minute series of paused kisses while he carried you to your shared bedroom with whispered I love you's being shared over the next hour of the night until both of you were pressed together asleep with nothing but the sheets covering your bodies.

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