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The silence was thick as Molly stared out the window of her living room, not making eye contact with me. I gulped and pushed the blonde hairs off of my forehead.

"So," Molly said, carefully breaking the silence," You have a stalker." she paused, "He's been communicating with you through email, lit your house on fire, and he's also been talking to your dad about you."

I laughed bitterly, "Well when you put it that way, it makes it sound like I've been over reacting." She shook her head, "No, I just-" I cut her off with the wave of my hand, "No I get it. I should probably get going anyway. Thanks for listening anyway."

"Peter wait! I never said you-"


Walking back to my house, I saw that the sun had already set without me even noticing, 'huh' I thought,'i guess I was at her house longer than I thought.'

The streets were eerily quiet, the only sound I could hear was my own footsteps. I had never bothered to notice how long it actually took for me to walk from her house to mine. Normally I had things to distract my mind from the short trip, but now the only thing I had to distract me was my own thoughts and we all know where thoughts can lead you when your walking down silent streets in the dead of night.

As I was nearing my street, I felt a soft vibration come from my back pocket. Pulling my phone out, I saw that it was molly calling. Clicking answer, I held the phone to my ear, ready for her to lecture me on how rude it was for me to abruptly leave her while she was in the middle of a sentence.


It was as if she hadn't even called me; there wasn't even the faint sound of static feedback.  Then they laughed; a deep tone that could only be described as male.

I felt my heart drop.

This wasn't molly.

Molly had been gripping her phone while we were talking but this wasn't her.

Molly didn't even have any males living in her house; her father had passed away a few years ago from cancer.

"I'm surprised you actually picked up the phone Peter," he said, and almost mocking  tone in his voice, "Considering how long it took for you to reply to my emails."


"How are you calling from Molly's phone?" He laughed out loud. "I have you to thank for that."

I growled, "and why is that."

I could practically hear the smirk in his voice when he said, "Molly's book."


"If you hadn't been so eager to tell her about me, she wouldn't have left that book of hers in the park."

This couldn't be happening.

"Maybe next time she wont write personal information in such a losable thing."


He had ended the call.

I started sprinting back to her house, muttering a string of words that would have made sailors ashamed and mothers cringe.

I busted through Mollys front door to come face to face with the shocked face of Allen. He hurried past me, but got caught in my grip; my hand wrapped tightly around his wrist. "where is she?"

"Where you left her."

I pulled him with me into the living room, to be met with the deathly pale face of Molly Faye Jacobs.

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