Louis P.O.V.

Astrid was actually pretty chill, she wanted to play truth or dare and we all agreed. Since Astrid wanted to play she has to go first. 

"Harry truth or dare."


she looked deep in thought, then her face had lit up.She had a smirk on her face and said "Harry I dare you to french kiss with the toilet."

A look of disgust passed through his face

"NO!" was all he said

Astrid then started making chicken noises, so Harry ran up to the stairs and started french kissing with the toilet and when he was done he brought Astrid into a hug and was trying to kiss her cheek while shes trying to get away.

Once we all got back to the circle Harry turns to me and says "Louis truth or dare"

"Dare" I was bluffing 

" I dare you to call Eleanor and tell her when you get back to London that you want to get back together"


"Why?" he said whining.

"Because I broke up with her for a reason, and it's not cool to play with a girl's heart"

"Awh, that was deep Lou." Liam said butting in our conversation.

"Shut up boy" I quickly shot back.

"okay that's the only dare that'll slide" Harry announced

Astrids P.O.V.

Louis turns to me and asks me "truth or dare"


"Do you know who we are?" 


They all gasped. Then Louis gets up and screams in my face "we are One Direction how do you not know who we are."

"No wonder when we came over you didn't fangirl" Niall says deep in thought.

" I don't have a tv or computer so of course i'm not gonna know who you are. Anyways I have to go I need to get home" a surge of fear flashed across my face. 

Harry walks me to the door and hugs me and says "if anything happens then call me and i'll come pick you up."

"alright" i said hugging him back.

*Later at home*

"Where the hell were you"

"at a friends" I said trying to avoid the knife

"You don't have friends your a pathetic loser" she tells me slashing my arm with the knife

She was right, Harry was a friend all he was to me was an aquaintence. I zoned her out just deep in thought. Until....


Cliffhanger... haha i did that because i don't know what to do next. anyway hope you like it.


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