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Astrid's P.O.V.

"what's your name?" I got straight to the point


"harry what?"

"Harry styles"

"oh, why did you save me?"

"because I  felt like you needed to be saved."

"why though, I'm nothing of importance." I said starting to get angry

he looked at me dead in the eyes and said "everyone's important in their own way."

Damn. that got to me. I started crying but before he could do anything I ran to the bathroom. I can't ruin my bad kid image. I forgot to lock the door and harry came In and locked it.

He grabbed me into a hug and I wrapped my arms around him like there was no tomorrow. We don't even know each other  and he's so great to me. I asked him if we can go to where he lives so I can explain. He literally is staying at the stream hotel.  So we sat down on his couch, and I started to tell him that my dad had to go to jail for life for killing someone, and he committed suicide there. I also told him about my mom who has lung cancer and has been in a coma for a year. I told him about my sister who thinks she's the boss and abuses me. He had sympathy written all over his face....

Harry's P.O.V

Wow. was literally all I was thinking. she had a tough girl look but deep down she was a  child trying to escape from an abandoned home. I wanted to know more about her but I don't wanna seem pushy. I hope she can trust me.

Then out of the blue all the boys barge into the hotel suite. They all stop when they see Astrid. Louis looks at me smirks and says " Brought home a girl already? Picked a good one, she's fit." I look over to Astrid and she starts blushing and gets up to leave." ima go as I can see you have company and I don't fit in." I walk her to the door and tell her she doesn't have to go and she should get to know the boys. She said yea and was being a little tease. " sure, they are pretty cute so might as well get to know them" and she winks. A surge of anger went through my body. I wasn't angry, Was I? I mean I just her after all.


I hope you guys are enjoying it. it gets harder to write as you go along. i'm also planning this while I go so let's see how it turns out. Enjoy ! and comment with suggestions.


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