🦋Chapter Three🦋

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"My evening will be avenged

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"My evening will be avenged."


THE NEXT DAY I BEE LINED right for Red and Chloe. My heels almost making skid marks on the wood floor.

"Okay, I have good but weird news!" I stated, still reeling from the night before. "Hook asked me to Castlecoming!"

"Well, that is some seriously weird news." Red chuckled, shaking her head. "I definitely didn't expect chemistry there."

"It's not really chemistry." I lied, deciding to tell them my plan. "If I date Hook, maybe I can get him to tell me their plan for your mom."

I obviously omitted the part that I knew that Bridget was Red's mom. I mean they're both from Wonderland, both have heart decals on their outfits and Red is always so surprised at how positive Bridget is. It doesn't take a genius to figure out.

"Well, we already know what they're planning, we just need to get the magic cookbook, before they do." Chloe admitted, with a wince.

"Are you saying that I agreed to go to Castlecoming with someone I don't even like, for no reason?" I groaned, throwing my hands up in frustration.

"Yep." Red laughed, opening mocking the situation I'd gotten myself into.

"Damn it." I muttered. "My evening will be avenged, but first I have to meet up with Morgie for Transfiguration study group."

"Snake kid? Weren't you just saying that it was a bad idea to get involved with that group?" Chloe asked in confusion.

"Please, Uliana is the only actual bully. The others mostly do their own things, they're like training level mean kids. Besides, Morgie is a harmless sweetheart most of the time." I chuckled. "Also, Principal Merlin made the study group mandatory, so I can't change to a different group anyway."

"Ah, forced helpfulness sucks." Red stated unironically.

"It's not so bad, like I said Morgie's a sweetheart and there's like two other people in the group." I explained with a laugh. "Including my roommate, Fey."

"Bippity Boppity Boo is your roommate?" Red snarked with an amused laugh.

"Don't laugh at her, she has potential." I scolded the red haired girl, easily defending my friend. "I'm going to go, before I contract your negativity."

"Bye, Tink."

"Later, Tinkerbell."


IT WAS SAFE TO SAY THAT ANY hope of studying had gone out the window twenty minutes ago

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IT WAS SAFE TO SAY THAT ANY hope of studying had gone out the window twenty minutes ago.

"So by extension, all fairies are related?" Morgie asked, the debate having gone in circles.

"Not really." Fey answered, trying to be nice.

"Hollow Fairies are created by the first time a baby laughs. We start out as flower petals that are carried by the wind to the Fae Realm, then we fully form into fairies when pixie dust is sprinkled on the petal." I explained, pulling out the book on Pixie Hollow and pointing to the picture of a fairy transformation.

"That seems way more complicated than I thought it was." The Serpentine boy muttered, writing some notes down. "I may have made a mistake choosing to do my Magical Histories project on fairies."

Fey and I gave him an amused look, I jokingly summoned my wand. The slim silver dowel sparkling somewhat menacingly.

"No offense, sorry."

"None taken!" Fey laughed and high-fived me, while I chuckled good-naturedly.

"So, I heard a rumor." Morgie changed the subject, directing his attention to me.

"This ought to be good!" I laughed, curiously raising a brow. "What are the freshman spewing now?"

"A little birdie told me that you were going to Castlcoming with James Hook." He grinned widely at me, as Fey stared at me appalled.

"Would that 'little birdie' happen to be Hook?" I chuckled with an eyeroll.

"You agreed! I thought he was screwing with me!" Morgie stated in shock.

"You know I'll never turn down a party." I laughed, flipping my hair dramatically. "Besides I'm intrigued about what his play could be."

"He hasn't told me anything about it, besides that you agreed to go with him." He shrugged, confusing me further considering that they're practically best friends.

"Seriously? He hasn't told you about a scheme or something?" I asked, genuinely curious.

"Nope, seemed genuinely excited about it too."

Well then.

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