Chapter 2

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"Now, be on your best behavior while you're with the seniors, okay?" Voletuft meowed as she nosed her kittens in a line after giving them their bath. "No more sneaking out and getting yourselves into trouble. As much as I don't want your trainee ceremonies to be delayed, I'm not afraid to ask Applefoot to push them back until you're older."

The four kits straightened at their mother's words, not putting a whisker out of place. Night sat stood next to Reed as she took in what Voletuft was saying. Please don't do it! She silenltly begged as she looked up at her mother, her eyes wide and pleading. We'll be good; I promise!

The brown molly purred and licked the kits' heads individually, her amber eyes warm with affection. "I'll be walking with you to the den to make sure there aren't any unnecessary detours." She whisked her tail and rose to her paws, still looking down at her kittens. "Your father should be coming back from his hunting patrol soon, and I'll be just across the camp with Marigoldscar. If you need anything you can call for me, okay?"

"Yes, Mama," the four kittens said in unison before turning around and following their mother out of the nursery.

Night stuck close to Reed as she looked around the camp. There weren't many cats in the camp as most of them were patrolling, working with their trainees, or napping. A yellow-and-cream tabby molly spotted them as she lounged in the sunlight and got to her feet, padding over with her tail held high.

"Good afternoon, Voletuft," purred the molly as she bumped heads with the other cat. "Taking your little ones off to the seniors?"

Voletuft paused and nodded. "I figured if there are two cats watching them, they can't sneak out and face foxes." She flicked her tail around her kits. "Though, I think they've been punished enough with only being in the den for a half moon." She met the molly's eyes with a flick of her ear. "How's Honey?"

"She's still a bit shaken and unsure of becoming a trainee, but I think she'll be okay." Marigoldscar's whiskers twitched with amusement. "She got quite the scare when that fox came after Night. She's barely left my side since they got brought back. I practically had to pry her off my pelt so I could get something to eat!" The two mothers purred with amusement and Night bounced on her toes, impatience bubbling in her belly.

Voletuft took notice of her daughter's behavior and flicked her tail. "Well, I'd better get these four off to the seniors before they ransack the camp." Her voice was amused and she nudged Song forward with a gentle paw. "I'll catch up with you later, okay?"

"See you soon, Voletuft." Marigoldscar dipped her head. Night flinched when the molly's massive face scar got closer to her, and she darted under Voletuft's belly with a squeak. Hurt flashed in Marigoldscar's green eyes as she took a step back and walked away, her tail lashing.

Night followed her mother as she padded away, casting a look over her shoulder as Marigoldscar laid down in some shade cast by an overhead tree. Shaking out her pelt, Night ran after her littermates and slipped into the senior's den.

"Why, good morning, Voletuft!" Deerstripe purred as the senior paused in her sharing tongues with her companion. Beneath her rasping tongue, Cloverleap cracked open an sleepy amber eye and looked at the visitors. "Come in, come in! We're just sharing tongues before breakfast. Someone has knots in her fur and can't reach them."

Cloverleap craned her neck and playfully swatted at Deerstripe, who purred with amusement. "Says the one who was complaining about a tick that was buried in her back that I had to get rid of!" She retorted good-naturedly with a wave of her tail.

Night nearly gagged at the flirting the two seniors were flaunting. Gross! She looked away as the two touched noses and shared a nauseated look with Reed, who seemed equally as uncomfortable.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27 ⏰

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