Chapter 3: Friends and Farewells

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The graduation ceremony came to a close as the sun began to set, casting a warm glow over the university grounds. The newly minted graduates, dressed in their togas, gathered in clusters, saying their goodbyes and making plans for the summer. The air was filled with laughter, tears, and the bittersweet excitement of embarking on new adventures.

Bjorn stood with his family, forcing a smile as he hugged his parents and older sister Emma. His heart was heavy with the recent breakup, but he did his best to mask his sadness. "Congratulations, Bjorn," his father, Erik, said, clapping him on the back. "We're so proud of you."

"Thanks, Dad," Bjorn replied, managing a weak smile.

"Don't forget to call us when you get to the hotel," his mother, Helena, reminded him, her eyes glistening with pride.

"I won't, Mom," Bjorn promised, hugging her tightly.

As the family made their way back to the car, Bjorn's twin brother Justin fell into step beside him. "You okay?" Justin asked, concern etched on his face.

"Not really," Bjorn admitted. "But I will be. Let's just get through tonight."

The drive home was filled with chatter about the ceremony and future plans. Once they arrived, Bjorn quickly changed into casual clothes, eager to meet up with his friends and escape the weight of his emotions. Justin and Bjorn met their friend group at a local bar, a familiar haunt where they had spent many nights over the years. The group consisted of Bjorn's best friend Tom, and their other friends Mark, Sean, and Luke.

Tom had been Bjorn's best friend since they were four years old. He was tall and athletic, with dark hair and a mischievous glint in his blue eyes. Tom was always the life of the party, his infectious energy drawing people to him.

Mark was the quiet, contemplative one of the group. With sandy blonde hair and a lean build, he had a calm demeanor that balanced out Tom's exuberance. Mark had a knack for technology and was accepted at MIT.

Sean was the joker, always ready with a witty remark or a clever prank. His curly red hair and freckles made him stand out, and his quick wit kept everyone laughing. He had just landed a job at a marketing firm, where his creativity would surely thrive.

Luke was the gentle giant, a towering presence with a heart of gold. His muscular frame and deep voice could be intimidating, but his friends knew he was a softie at heart. Luke was planning to work with his family's construction business, putting his strength and skills to good use.

The friends greeted each other with hugs and high fives, their excitement palpable. They ordered beers and found a table in the corner of the bar, away from the noise and crowd.

"Cheers to graduation!" Tom announced, raising his glass.

"Cheers!" the group echoed, clinking their glasses together.

As they settled into their seats, Tom looked at Bjorn, his expression serious. "So, we heard about you and Michelle. Are you okay, man?"

Bjorn sighed, taking a long drink of his beer. "I'm still processing it. She thought it was best for both of us to go our separate ways since we're heading to different universities."

"That's tough," Mark said sympathetically. "But maybe it's for the best. You'll have a lot going on with pre-med, and she'll be busy with law school."

"Plus," Sean added with a grin, "now you can enjoy the holiday without any strings attached. You can hook up with whoever you want."

Luke nodded in agreement. "Yeah, man. This holiday is going to be epic. Just think about all the parties, the girls, the beach, the freedom."

Tom leaned in, his eyes sparkling with excitement. "We're going to have the time of our lives. And who knows, maybe you'll meet someone new."

Bjorn managed a small smile. "Thanks, guys. I appreciate the support. I'm looking forward to next week. It's just what I need to clear my head."

They spent the rest of the evening discussing their holiday plans. The trip was set to be a week-long adventure at a beach house, filled with partying, relaxing by the ocean, and exploring the local nightlife. The excitement was infectious, and for a while, Bjorn was able to forget his heartache and focus on the fun that awaited them.

As the night wore on, the friends laughed, reminisced about their university days, and made promises to keep in touch despite the different paths they were all taking. Bjorn felt a sense of comfort and camaraderie, knowing that no matter what happened, he had his friends by his side. Eventually, they said their goodbyes and headed home, eager for the adventures that the next day would bring. 

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