Chapter 4

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I woke up with a start when I felt somebody lightly shake my arm. I turned to my side and I saw the grey-eyed guy standing next to me. Confusion clouded my head for a second before I remembered where I was. I sat up and looked around me and I realised that I was still in his room. I must have fallen asleep while waiting for him.

I started to panic. What if he is angry that I slept on his bed? What if he wants me to leave?

"I am so sorry about falling asleep on your bed. I didn't realise that I was so tired. I was waiting for you and I decided to lie down and then I just fell asleep. Please don't kick me out of your house it won't happen again I swear. I will make it up to you just name anything yo-" My ramble was cut of when the guy gave a deep chuckle and put his hands on my shoulders.

"Love, calm down. I'm not going to kick you out of my house just because you fell asleep on my bed!"

I blushed a deep shade of red and I looked down at my lap.

"Oh," I mumbled more to myself.

"I just came to wake you up to tell you that you should eat first and then sleep. Oh and my family wants to meet you."

I nodded and I got off the bed. We walked down the hall and down the stairs together, him making sure to walk behind me when we began our descend down the stairs. When we reached the first floor, we turned right and into the dining room.

The dining room was just as impressive as the rest of the house. It had the same walls and the floor was wooden. There was a long dining table situated in the middle of the room that looked like it could seat about ten people. Four of those seats were occupied.

I studied the four people that were seated there. There was a lady that had perfectly curled blonde hair and bright blue eyes that shone with an emotion I couldn't quite place. I took a guess that it was grey-eyed guys mother. She was dressed in a tight black knee length dress that was straight cut. From the way she sat it looked like she was a lady that liked everything to be prim and proper.

Sitting next to the lady, at the head of the table was a man who had dark brown hair that had streaks of grey in them and he wore a black suit. He had grey eyes. He was probably grey-eyed guys father.

Before I got a chance to inspect the other two occupants, a girl and a boy, grey-eyed guy cleared his throat and they all turned to look at us. I shuffled awkwardly, suddenly feeling shy with all the attention that I am being given.

Grey-eyed guy led us to the the table and he pulled out a chair for me across the table from the boy and girl. I blushed and thanked him. Damn it! What's with me always blushing?!
He took a seat next to me and he turned to look at his parents.

"Mum, Dad this is the girl I told you about." Grey-eyed guy proceeded to dish out food for me on a plate for me. He put it down in front of me and told me to eat.

So he told his family about me? My heart fluttered at that thought. I shook those feelings away and thought logically. Well of course he had to tell them, he did bring me to their home after all.

I was broken from my train of thoughts when the lady spoke to me. I was surprised at the tone of voice she spoke to me. She spoke softly and with kindness.

"Hi I am Emily and this is Patrick." She gestured to herself and the man sitting beside her. "We are Aiden's parents."

I was confused. Aiden? Whose Aiden?

I didn't get to voice my questions though, because she carried on talking.

"This is Anna and that's Jeremy." She pointed to the boy and girl that were sitting opposite me.

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