Endless Path Of Deception

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Amelia Roberts, known as Mia, sat at the edge of the bed she shared with Reece, staring blankly at the wall. It had been twenty years since her father left, and the ache in her heart never dulled. She was trapped in a relationship orchestrated by Reece's father, Roger, who had promised her information about her dad if she kept Reece on a short leash.

Does he think about me the way I think about him? Mia wondered, her eyes filling with tears. Every day, she found herself drifting into memories of her father, the sound of his laughter, the warmth of his embrace. She had spent two decades searching for him, following every lead, every whisper of hope, only to be met with silence.

Does the thought of me even cross his mind at least once a day? she asked herself, the pain of the unanswered question gnawing at her soul. Roger had dangled the promise of information like a carrot on a stick, using her desperation to control her. And she had complied, believing that each day brought her closer to her father.

Does he even care? The question echoed in her mind as she looked at Reece, sleeping peacefully beside her. He had no idea of the bargain she had struck, the sacrifices she had made. While she was constantly thinking about her father, trying to find him, she couldn't help but wonder if he had moved on, forgotten about the daughter he left behind.

The weight of Roger's deception crushed her. He never had the details, he had used her all these years. Mia's life had become a series of what-ifs and maybes. She had missed out on so much, her heart too consumed with the need to find him. Friends had come and gone, relationships had failed, all because she couldn't let go of the hope that he was out there, somewhere, thinking of her too.

She wiped her tears and stood up, looking at Reece one last time before walking to the window, gazing out at the city lights. She took a deep breath, feeling the weight of the years lift, just a little. Maybe her father did care, maybe he didn't. But she knew she had to start caring for herself, to find her own path, even if it meant breaking free from Roger's chains and walking it alone.

Enough was enough. If she was going to do this, she was going to do it by herself.

She quietly packed her bag trying so hard not to wake Reece only a metre away, then she opened the front door that ever so slightly squeaked as she cracked it open. She took one last look behind her, looking at the life she was leaving behind. She smiled and was never heard from again.

She was free.

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