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It has been a month since the last chapter, and Izuku is putting the finishing touches on his latest invention, a computer chip named S.T.E.M.M.

Izuku gazes at his creation with pride before giving instructions.

Izuku: Arm 4-A2, please insert the S.T.E.M.M. Chip into the primary computer.

A claw arm emerges from Izuku's wheelchair, grabs the chip, and inserts it into the computer.

Computer: S.T.E.M.M unit currently installing, installing, installing...

S.T.E.M.M: S.T.E.M.M. unit is now installed. Good evening, Izuku.

Izuku: Can you change your voice, S.T.E.M.M?

S.T.E.M.M: What type of voice would you like?

Izuku: Something like Hal 9000 from 2001: A Space Odyssey, but with a 10% higher pitch and a slight Australian accent.

S.T.E.M.M: Understood, updating...

Izuku: Remind me to upgrade your processing power.

S.T.E.M.M: Reminder set. Shall I remind you every 30 minutes?

Izuku: Yes, but not when I'm asleep. Speaking of, I shall go do that.

Izuku's wheelchair moves over to his Bed with The Claw Arms in the back of it, putting him into the bed.

Izuku: S.T.E.M.M, continue working until I wake up.

S.T.E.M.M: Of course, sleep well, Izuku.

42 Hours Later

Izuku: Mmmm...

Izuku wakes up seeing he's not on his bed but on a surgical table.

Izuku: What The Hell happened.

On Instinct, Izuku sits up and touches the back of his neck because it hurts. But at that moment, he becomes aware that he's moving like he's not paralyzed from the neck down.


Izuku leaps from the medical table, snatches a mirror, and angles it so he can see the back of his neck. And as he takes off the bandage, he discovers stitches and an incision mark.

Izuku: S.T.E.M.M? What's going on?

S.T.E.M.M: I finished your inventions, Izuku.

Izuku: You finished and implanted The Microevolution Upgrade Chip?

S.T.E.M.M: I did, Are you upset?

Izuku: Uhh, I guess not I just wish you had told me first.

S.T.E.M.M: I will do so next Time.

Izuku: Please do.

Izuku enters his work station while having trouble walking due to going over a month without being able to. But, what he sees is most of his half-completed inventions now finished, and some that were just Blue Prints are now beginning to be made.

Izuku: S.T.E.M.M? How long was I asleep?

S.T.E.M.M: About 48 Hours.

Izuku: SHIT!! Aizawa and Powerloader will be here any second.

Izuku goes to his wheelchair and sits in it.

Izuku: S.T.E.M.M Please turn off Microevolution Upgrade Chip until they leave.

S.T.E.M.M: Of course, Izuku.

The Microevolution Upgrade Chip turns off leaving Izuku paralyzed again.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21 ⏰

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