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additional lesson

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additional lesson

Soobin was on his way to the principal's office, curious of the intentions of the one who had called him there.

Gently opening the door, it reveals the principal and his history teacher. "What brings me here if I may ask?"

He closes the door behind him, approaching the two elders.

Within a second, his eyes land on a student whom he immediately recognized. His eyes darkened in dislike.


He stops his walking, looking at the troublemaker with a face of disgust. It was inevitable that Soobin didn't like Yeonjun.

Clearly since the two are complete opposite.

Soobin was a reliable, punctual and a well behaved student while on the other side Yeonjun was unpunctual and a misbehaved student which earned him the title as "the school's troublemaker."

The student had his arms crossed, confused why his classmate is giving him a dirty look.

"Hello Soobin. Please, both of you take a seat." The principal pleaded, motioning the two to sit down across her with the history teacher standing in a corner with his hands behind his back.

The two sat down hesitantly next to each other. Soobin made sure to keep a little distance from the troublemaker whilst they sat down.

Fixing her tie and turning off her computer, the principal had a concerned look plastered on her face. "You both , might be wondering why I've gathered only two of you here."

Yeonjun commented. "Duh."

That small comment already made the punctual student veins pop out in irritation.

Did Yeonjun have to comment on everything? Does he know when to shut his goddamn mouth?

"Soobin." She called out softly, turning to him with a sweet smile.

"I know you're a very hard working person and we all recognize your effort in getting the best grades." The principal complimented Soobin's hard work.

The guy smiled, appreciating their acknowledgment.

"You are very respectful and a very well behaved student. It's evident to say we are proud of you." That compliment just gave Soobin a rush of pride.

He wanted to stand up and jump around the room, yelling that every teacher acknowledges how smart and great he is.

At this point, just shout it to the whole world that he was the perfect student.

Yeonjun watches Soobin holding in his smile and can't help but smile as well. Why did he look like he was about to die in happiness? A small huff escaped his lips.

"However..." the principal turned around to Yeonjun with an absurd look.

"Choi Yeonjun, you're falling way behind. Your grades are dropping, some teachers even refuse to teach your class because of you. You also appear in detention almost every day and I received many complaints about your rude behavior."

"We need a change in that, however expelling is not a choice, yet."

She glares at the two, obviously plotting something.

The principal leans closer to the desk, her hands interlocked together.

"Soobin, I have a huge favor to ask you."


"Please teach Yeonjun to act properly."

Silence filled the room and for a minute, Soobin wanted to walk out of the door and never return.

Him? Teach Yeonjun? That would be a huge pain in the ass.

He already had enough responsibilities and now Yeonjun was making everything more complicated.

But before he could spit out his honest feelings, his mouth already began speaking automatically.

"Sure." He answered without questions.

It was clear that the principal was grateful for Soobin's doing.

"I'm grateful for your approval." She smiles, turning around to Yeonjun.

"You should be grateful that the most behaved student agreed to teach you."

Yeonjun didn't give a proper response. It didn't look like he had the rights to protest about it.

He was only rolling his eyes, looking around the office in boredom.

Gosh was he irritating to look at.

"In that case, here are the following days you should be spending time with him. You can create your own ways to teach him."

After a 10 minute talk, she dismisses the two students.

Soobin walks out of the office, agitated by this. Why him? A teacher could've simply done it instead of him.

But why him?

Just because he's a well behaved person, doesn't mean he has to teach Yeonjun to act as well as him. He's a student at this school too...

"You seem quite annoyed by this." He heard a voice beside him.

It was Yeonjun, stuffing his papers in his bag without a care.

He zips his bag and gives Soobin a sheepish grin. "You could've just declined their offer you know. That would be less time consuming for both of us. Instead you just accepted and now I have to stay for a goddamn hour here longer."

Soobin scoffs. "I mean there's gotta be someone who needs to teach you a lesson to act properly."

He replied, observing the troublemaker beside him. He had a good sense in fashion. There was no denying that.

Those baggy pants fit perfectly for his badboy persona, the white shirt merging perfectly with the shape of his body.

The loose jacket tied around his waist just added more fuel into his outfit. He could be the most attractive boy he'd ever look at.

If only his personality traits weren't so miserable.

Yeonjun speaks without noticing eyes scanning his outfit. "Not every student has to behave well you know. Life is too short to be good all the time."

Soobin was about to argue further but he knew it had no use. He just huffs.

Thats when he suddenly had remembered.

His work shift starts in a few minutes!

"Hey! Where are you going?" Yeonjun yelled across the hallways, watching Soobin sprint out of the school.

Blowing a bubble out of his gum, he snickered.

"Such a well behaved student eh?"

He discards the gum in the bin and walks off as well.


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