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Vina hums as she gathers the headlights and the flashlights. Everything calmed down not long after Taylor's speech and everyone seemed less on edge than before. Their nervousness was still in the air, but the tension had lightened up a lot.

She sits in the corner behind a seat closest to the door and lays them out. Taylor hands her a bunch of batteries as she passes by to go to Ben. "Thank you, darling."

"You're welcome, dear."

Vina giggles at Taylor's Japanese in excitement. She missed having someone else to talk with in the language. Those lessons are paying off.

"Oh!" Aiden exclaims as she replaces the batteries one by one. "It's the killies!"

"No, don't call them that."

"Why? They're like wheelies but y'know, with knives. Your dad's pretty awesome to make something like that. They didn't even break when you used them during practice!"

Vina notices Tyler leaning on the back of the bus seat, watching her work. She lines up the flashlights in a neat order and moves to the headlights, double checking they worked. They're brand new and operate with solar energy so they should be charged up to 100%.

"My mom's the one who made them actually..."

Vina lifts a headlight up to her forehead with it turned on and moves her head up to the boy next to her. She gives him a thumbs up. "Bright enough?"

He held a hand over his eyes enough to just block the blinding light. "Yeah."

"Hey um," Ashlyn continues, making the Asian turn her attention to the ginger. Tyler quickly pushes the headlight down from her forehead gently before she could blind anyone. "Before we go, I just wanted to... apologize... for earlier. When I snapped at you guys."

"It's okay," Taylor replies. "Don't worry. We all have our moments, right?"

"Yeah, Tyler has his everyday!" Aiden decides to add on.

Vina smirks as Tyler glares at the blond. "Excuse me?"

"Vee too."

She flashes one of the flashlights, also glaring. "Don't forget, we live in the same house." She then lets out a low, evil chuckle, already thinking of her revenge.

"G-Guys we just stopped fighting. Don't start again please..."

"All love, Logan, all love." Vina gathers the rest of the flashlights and hands them out one by one. "Here ya go—here ya go."

Somewhere In-Between || tyler hernández Where stories live. Discover now