Episode Five: Derrick The SkullSplitter

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Derrick walked over to one of the knights and pulled his axe out of his skull, a knight ran up on Derrick but he slashed down splitting the knights skull in half before kicking his body to the ground.

Ragnar and rollo were standing back to back killing knights as the run at them "your boy there is strong as hell brother" Ragnar said and giggled softly "what do you expect he's the son of the great rollo the bear!" Rollo laughed out.
"He shall be known as Derrick The SkullSplitter!" Rollo shouted.

Derrick smirked and looked around as most of the knights were either slayed or fleeing the Vikings cheered in their victory as josh looked around he seemed calmer then usual.
"You seem calm" Derrick said and set his axe on the rock "not sure" josh replied and scratched the back of his head the adults walked over to josh and Derrick "you two did amazing, I can tel you'll be very great on future battles" Ragnar said and putted joshs shoulder softy.
Skyler limped over "y'all are monsters that was difficult as hell dawg" Skyler said and sighed softly.
"That's cause your slow man" Derrick laughed out  "Come let's haul our goods to camp" rollo said.

-later that night-

The Vikings were running around partying from their second victory that day josh was sitting on a post while staring at the sky.
Lagertha walked over and leaned on the post, "doing ok my son?" Lagertha asked as josh had nodded "yea just thinking" josh said and smiled softly "about" lagertha asked curious "just my dreams" josh replied "ah dreams huh? Sound like your father, very ambitious just like him, what is your dreams son?" Lagertha asked "I wanna become a king just like father, a king who isn't brutal, I want to unite all of the Vikings tribes as one large army to protect our lands and our beliefs" josh said and smiled softly "in away its similar to your fathers, your father had a dream to settle in Wessex to build a farming territory" she said and smiled brightly.

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