Chapter 12: The Christmas Crunch

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The festive lights adorning Millbrook's high street seemed to mock the gloomy mood hanging over Meadowlark Stadium. FC Underdogs, riding high just weeks ago, had hit their first real rough patch of the season. Two draws and a loss in their last three matches had seen them slip to third in the table, clinging to the final playoff spot as the crucial Christmas fixture list loomed.

The Christmas fixture list had taken its toll on the FC Underdogs squad. As Jack surveyed the treatment room, crowded with injured players, he felt a knot of anxiety in his stomach.

"How's it looking, Dave?" Jack asked the club's head physiotherapist.

Dave's expression was grim. "Not great, boss. Alex Chen's hamstring is still touch and go. Dylan Murphy's got a nasty knock on his ankle. And Marcus Okonkwo's picked up a stomach bug. I wouldn't count on any of them being available."

Jack ran a hand through his hair, his mind racing. They were already short-staffed due to suspensions. "Options, Sarah?" he asked his assistant coach.

Sarah consulted her tablet. "We're down to bare bones, Jack. We could reshuffle the formation, but we'd be asking players to fill unfamiliar roles."

Jack's eyes fell on the youth team report on his desk. An idea began to form. "What about the under-18s? Anyone ready to make the step up?"

Sarah's eyebrows rose. "It's a big ask, Jack. The pressure, the physicality..."

"I know," Jack nodded. "But we might not have a choice. Get me Tony Hodgson."

Thirty minutes later, Tony burst into Jack's office, a mixture of excitement and nervousness on his face. "You wanted to see me, boss?"

Jack got straight to the point. "Tony, I need options. Who from your squad is ready for a first-team call-up?"

Tony's eyes widened. "You're serious? Well, Wayne Chen's the most technically gifted, but he's still growing into his body. Bobby O'Connell's a force of nature, but he's been struggling with a groin strain."

He paused, then continued, "But there is one lad... Stuart Terry. Just turned 18. Box-to-box midfielder. He's not as flashy as some of the others, but his work rate is phenomenal. And his tactical understanding... it's well beyond his years."

Jack leaned forward, intrigued. "Tell me more."

"He's a local lad," Tony explained. "Been with us since he was eight. His dad played semi-pro, so football's in his blood. He's not the biggest, not the fastest, but he's always in the right place at the right time. And his passing... it's like he can see things before they happen."

Jack nodded slowly. "How's his temperament?"

"Rock solid," Tony replied without hesitation. "Captain of the youth team. The other lads look up to him. He's mature beyond his years, Jack. If anyone can handle the step up, it's Stuart."

Jack stood up, decision made. "Right. Get him in here. And Tony? Not a word to anyone else. I don't want to put any extra pressure on the lad."

An hour later, Stuart Terry stood in Jack's office, trying hard to contain his nervousness. Jack was struck by the young man's demeanor - quiet confidence mixed with genuine humility.

"Stuart," Jack began, "how would you feel about being involved with the first team?"

Stuart's eyes widened, but his voice was steady when he replied. "I'd be honored, sir. But... are you sure I'm ready?"

Jack smiled. "That's exactly why I think you are, Stuart. You understand the magnitude of what I'm asking. This isn't a guaranteed spot in the starting eleven. You might not even make the bench. But I need to know - if called upon, are you ready to give everything for this team?"

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