Untitled Part 1

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Before we begin I would just like to say something. This is amazing on here. Everyone is so inspiring on here. I love you all. I'm not sure about this story yet, and to be honest I don't know where it is going. I'm trying something a little different this time, instead of planning everything out, im just going to let it flow naturally. For those who read my work, this time is going to be different. <3 Molly

I look in the mirror. How did it get this bad. The fog is getting worse now that my shower has had time to collect itself on the glass. I grab my towel and head towards my room. I catch myself looking at myself more and more now. Where am I going after I get dressed? I guess I'll figure it out when I get there. 

I dress myself in some jeans, and a long sleeve pain shirt. No need to be dressy. I brush my hair and throw it into a braid. Next I apply some light makeup to make myself feel better. I need to cover my freckles. I feel so lost right now. I need to get going, I don't know when they'll come here. I need to leave before they can find me.  I throw on some sandals, and head to my car leaving enough money in the hotel room for the room and the maid service. I cant risk anyone seeing my face right now. 

I head to my car, its not some glamorous thing, but it will do the trick. Its just a KIA. Most people on the run won't drive something that most mothers would drive, so I think I'm good. I feel like a criminal, even though I've done nothing wrong. They could be coming to get me at any second.

Once I'm in the car I drive to the nearest camping store. There I pick up a tent and some basic camping supplies. I don't need much, but if I'm going to be on the run, I might as well make it a little harder for them to find me. Where should I go tonight. First things first I need to get rid of the stuff. I have a little camp up in Vermont that I could bury it at.  

It take about 3 days to get there, but once I'm there I'm set. I drive for about 10 hours before I decide to pull off onto a backroad and set up camp a few miles in the woods. I'm not to far from a bar, so I decide to slip in for a drink or two before heading back to my campsite. Its really old, and has this cowboy vibe to it. I like it. I walk in and the fist thing to hit me was the loud country music screaming in my face. The next thing was the smell. Most bars back in LA, smelled of stale liquor, but this one smells of fresh brewed whisky. It smells amazing here. I need to find out where I am. 

I spot a newspaper by the door, as I turn to go get it, I run into someone. Oh god. I look over them and its a man about my age (26), about 6 foot 4, and a strong build with dark brown hair and gray eyes. I regular cowboy. right down to the boots. He's actually wearing cowboy boots. I quickly apologize and practically run towards the paper. 

Across the top It says I'm in Arp Texas. Where the hell is that? perfectly in the middle of no where. The front page story is about some family business that  is having an ice cream social open for the public this weekend. The bar tender asks if I want something to drink and I politely ask for a cours. After I'm done reading the paper, the guy comes over with my beer, and sets it down. There is like 3 other people in the bar, and two of them are making out in the corner, and the other is an old man drinking scotch at the bar alone, and the other is the bar tender. The guy that I ran into on the way in is the bar tender. 

"So where are you from? There isn't alot of new people around here?: says the bar tender. " I'm Ted by the way." He says with his hand extended. I gingerly shake it without saying anything. 

After about 30 seconds, he takes down his hand and cmes around the corner with another beer, Im guessing its his. 

"Not much of a talker are we. Well let me tell you about this place then..." 

"I'm Emily." I cut him off. I hope he doesn't think I'm rude, I just cant get involved with someplace until the papers are safe someplace.

"She does talk. So Emily tell me about yourself"

"Well I'm from LA, and im going cross country right now. College just ended last week, so I'm free fro the summer I guess. I don't really have any plans for the summer, I dont have a family really so I'm just kinda doing my own thing right now. I' really not that exciting."

" I'd beg to differ"

" I bet you would."

"Well how bout yo work here for the summer then. I can teach you how to mix drinks, and such where are you staying right now?" 

"I'm camping on the outside of town actually. And thanks for the offer, but I actually have to do something up in Vermont off the radar."

"Off the radar? Is it safe? I'll come with you to make sure your safe. Are you camping alone? If you want I can camp with you tonight. We can leave in the morning first thing."

"Thanks but I think I need to do this alone. Its kinda dangerous, and I don't want to endanger anyone else for my sake."

"I'm not giving you a choice Emily."

" Ted, you cant just leave, what about your job?"

"See that old man over there? That's my loyalist costumer. I'll just leave him the bar for a few weeks. It's my bar, I can do what ever I want." 

" I guess I have no other option then do I?"

"nope sorry Emily, looks like your stuck with me for a while." 

What do you guys think? I don't really know where its going to go whether they will date, screw each other over, 'they' will kill her, or what ever. I don't know yet. But this was actually a lot of fun to write, so I think I may upload tomorrow. This was a lot of fun to write. See you all next time. Oh also leave me some comments.

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