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Jung Li felt intense fear and decided to head to the nearest café to be in a safe, well-lit place. She entered the café and sat in a corner, trying to control her nerves. She looked out the window and saw the person standing outside the café, watching her from afar.

Jung Li realized she was alone in this frightening situation...!!

She tried to call Hojin, but her phone's battery had died. She sat there, wondering what to do, when she noticed the person starting to approach the café door...

As Jung Li sat in the café, trying to control her nerves, she began to feel dizzy. Everything around her started to narrow and become blurry, and the voice of the waiter asking for her order began to fade away.

Suddenly, she felt her body collapse, and she lost consciousness.

When she woke up, she found herself in her room, her head spinning with severe pain. She looked around in confusion, trying to remember what had happened. She was sure that someone had been watching her, but what happened after that was completely unclear. She felt scared and confused and took a deep breath to collect her thoughts.

She looked at the clock and found that it was past midnight. She wondered how she had gotten home and who had brought her. Still feeling scared, she decided to call Hojin to tell her what had happened.

Hojin answered quickly, her voice filled with concern: "Jung Li, where have you been? I was so worried about you!"

"I don't know, Hojin. I was at the café, and I felt very dizzy, then I fainted. I just woke up now in my room, but I don't remember how I got here."

"Is there anyone in the house?"

"No, it seems I'm alone."

"That's strange. Could someone have seen you in bad condition and brought you home?"

"I don't know. I'm scared, Hojin. There was someone watching me before I fainted."

"Okay, we need to make sure you're safe. I'll come to you right away."

A short time later, Hojin arrived at Jung Li's house. They sat together in her room, trying to piece the events together. But things were unclear, and there were no definite answers.

The next day, Jung Li decided to go to the café again to ask the waiter if he knew anything. When she arrived, she found that the waiter who was working that night wasn't there. She asked the new waiter if he knew any details, but he had no information.

Jung Li felt more confused and puzzled than ever. She started to wonder if what happened was just a fantasy or a hallucination. But the feeling of fear and mystery was very real.

When she returned home, she found a small note under her room door. She took it with trembling hands and opened it to find a message written in an unfamiliar handwriting:

"You are in danger. Trust no one."

Jung Li felt terrified and anxious. Who could have sent this message? And what does it mean? She began to think about everything that had happened recently, but she couldn't come to any clear conclusion.

She decided to talk to Jae and Hojin about it, hoping they could help her understand what was going on.

They sat together in the library, and she told them everything, from the person who was watching her to the mysterious note she found.

"This sounds very dangerous, Jung Li. We need to be careful and try to find out who's behind this," Jae said seriously.

"Yes, we can't let you face this alone," Hojin added.

The three of them began investigating, trying to uncover the mystery surrounding Jung Li. They had many questions and few answers, but they were determined to get to the truth, no matter how difficult or painful it might be.

The following days were filled with tension and risks. They closely monitored Jung Li's movements and tried to gather evidence about the person who was watching her. Things were escalating in a thrilling and mysterious way, and Jung Li felt that her life was changing in an unpredictable way...

Days passed after the fainting incident in the café, and Jung Li returned to her daily routine at the university, trying to forget the eerie feeling that had been haunting her. She woke up every morning, got herself ready, went to her lectures, and met her friends in the library to study. However, she couldn't shake the feeling that something was watching her from the shadows.

Jung Li began to fall into a deep depression. She suffered from insomnia and no longer found joy in the things that used to make her happy. She had heavy days, barely able to get out of bed, often finding herself crying for no clear reason.

One day, after her lectures ended, Jung Li returned home to find her mother waiting for her, an obvious anger on her face.

"Jung Li, I want to talk to you about your brother, Jung Ho," her mother began sharply.

"What happened?" Jung Li asked, trying to keep her calm.

"He's acting irresponsibly again. He got bad grades on his exams, and he cares about nothing but games. Why can't you be a role model for him and help him?"

Jung Li felt anger rising within her. She felt that she was bearing more responsibility than she should. "Mom, I have a lot to deal with at university. I can't be responsible for my brother all the time."

"That's no excuse. You are the oldest, and you should be setting an example."

Jung Li couldn't take it anymore. "Mom, I'm not Jung Ho's parent! He should be responsible for his actions. I can't always be responsible for him... Why don't you take responsibility for him?"

Her mother was shocked by this response. "Jung Li, how can you talk to me like this? I am your mother, and it's your duty to help your brother."

Her voice was louder than she intended, and there were tears shining in her eyes. She left her mother standing in the living room and went to her room, closing the door behind her with a bang. She sat on her bed, trying to calm herself, but the anger and sadness were battling inside her.

After she calmed down a bit, she realized that life at home had become more tense than ever. She felt that there were too many pressures on her, both at university and at home.

That night, as Jung Li checked her phone before bed, she received a new message.on the screen:

"You are still in danger. Trust no one."

That was enough to bring back all the fears and anxieties. Things were getting worse, and she had no idea how to deal with it all. She began to think about her conversation with Jae and Hojin about that mysterious message and the person watching her. Maybe she needed their help now more than ever...


Thank you for following!

If you have any feedback or comments about this part, please don't hesitate to let me know...!!!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter.
See you in the next one...!!"

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