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Race: Human

Age: 18

Name: Tylor McHollen

Hair color: Jet-black

Hair Style: short and curly fade

Skin tone: Hazelnut brown

Eye color: Maroon

Face: handsome (with an inverted triangle shaped face, normal forehead, sharp eyebrows, normal ears, high cheekbones, straight nose, full lips, square chin)

Facial hair: heavy Stubble

Voice: deep and soothing

Accent: Irish-like

Body: fit and well toned

Height: 5'8"

Sexuality: very, very straight

Personality: Very intelligent, focused, observant, understanding, aware (of when people like him and mother feelings), loyal, caring, tough, brave, careful, respectful, humble, quiet (mostly), honorable, loner, humorous, friendly.

Likes: Cooking, reading, listening to music, rainy days, meditating, training with his powers and skills, being by himself, faunus, his powers. Exploring

Dislikes: Bullies, jerks, racists, White Fang, Grimm, Huntsmen, Ironwood (but respects him a lot), Ozpin, big crowds, innocent people getting hurt & killed.

Martial Arts: Boxing, Wrestling

Accuracy & Malee Skills: Supereb

Will Powers:

1. Lighting: Creates an arc of pure energy which leaps from the fingertips of the caster to the target. Higher levels can deal more damage and strike more than one foe at a time.

2. Fireballs: Creates a ball of fire in the palm of the caster's hand, which can be sent hurtling towards a target when released. Higher levels of this spell can charge the fireball into a bigger more explosive ball.

3. Enflame: Blasts the area surrounding the caster with a wave of fire. Higher levels can achieve a more damaging wave that covers a larger area.

4. Summon: Wrenches a creature's soul from the netherworld to help the caster. If this creature kills another, it is replaced by the soul of the newly fallen victim. Higher levels allow the caster to keep the creature for longer.

5. Teleportation: can teleport to anywhere he has been to already (like in fable 1)

6. Heal Life: Allows the caster to trade in his magical energy for health. Health can also be passed on to non-hostile entities in the vicinity. Higher levels provide more health with each use. (Only good Heroes can master this spell)

7. Battle Charge: Propels the caster forward at a great speed, smashing into any in his path and blasting all nearby aside. Higher levels can travel greater distances and deal greater damage.

8. Multi Strike: Imbues the user's blade with the ability to strike multiple times with a single blow. Higher levels allow for more blows.

9. Divine Fury: This devastating spell channels the white-hot fury of the gods into concentrated beams that hit within a certain radius. Higher levels increase the damage dealt.

10. Force Push: Creates a powerful blast of energy which radiates out from the caster, sending nearby enemies sprawling. Useful when greatly outnumbered. Higher levels of the spell create a more damaging force.

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