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"Out of all my children, I always thought her to be the least dragon born. How little did I know my own daughter. How little did the world knew," king Aenar would have said if he could have seen his daughter Vaenya years after his death.

Vaenya and Aeron Targaryen, two names rarely been spoken of, the twin flames, viciously erased from history. Some say for misdeed, others believe it to be tragedy. Yet, if you head deep into one of the few forest lands deep in the South of Essos, you'll find the remains of Vaenya's dragon, rotted into stone like a fossil, preserving the fragments of what might have been the greatest love story among the house of Targaryen. 

In 114 BC king Aenar, along with his two remaining wives Vysealla and Aeryn and all their children, abandoned their home of Valyria and reallocated to Dragonstone. A reckless decision persuaded by the dreams of his youngest daughter Daenys alone. A decision that secured the survival of House Targaryen and that of dragon fire to rule history for centuries to come.

Aeron's first wife Rhaena, mother of his first borns, the twins Aeron and Vaenya, died during Vaenya's labor after hours of suffering. Vysealla, Aenar's second wife only bore him one son, Leagar, who from birth faced a hurdle of lifelong health issues and would never be fit to be a warrior, let alone a dragon rider. But he inherited his mother's wits and cunningness, who groomed him towards kingship from the moment he was born. Aeryn, the king's youngest wife, also blessed the king with two children, a son and a daughter, who would come to be known as Gaemon and Daenys the Dreamer. Out of the five children, Aeron and Vaenya would be the first to become dragon riders which queen Vysealla despited. She herself rode her dragon at the age of seventeen, a maroon coloured fire drake with sapphire eyes. One of the five dragons they brought with them from Valyria. Her younger sister Aeryn never rode a dragon in her life nor interfered with politics. Her gifts were rooted in motherhood along with her advanced abilities as healer. And both were enough her.

Left motherless, Vaenya and Aeron grew up estranged from a normal childhood but mostly themselves. Their father was busy establishing himself among his new claimed stronghold and barely had time to spend with any of his children. Vysealla had not a spark of motherly warmth to spare for the twins either, let alone her own son. Aeryn offered to raise the twins along with her own children but Aeron threatened to push her off the cliff if she ever mentioned the name of their mother along with something that belong to the past. He was only ten at the time but the grief in his heart had grown like a tumour since the day she left them. And most of that anger, was directed at Vaenya. Even though he'd barely spoken a word to her his entire life, she knew he blamed her for their mother's death. And Vaenya feared, that one night, he might slit her throat for it in her sleep. 


Vaenya Targaryen

Vaenya Targaryen

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Aeron Tragaryen

Aeron Tragaryen

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