Chapter 12: Dearest Friend

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I am sorry it has taken me so long to write to you. So much has happened since I watched you and Vhagar fly away.

Oh, what a sight that was! I had not been able to appreciate her fully in just the moonlight. From where I watched in the tower, I could truly grasp her massive size and see her scales gleaming. Truly, the gods must have a sense of humor, giving you the bronze dragon and me the black.

Emrys was distressed when you all left without us. I could hear him wailing for Dreamfyre from my rooms. But I cannot blame him; I felt very much the same. I miss you – all of you – very much.

We did not linger for long at Driftmark after Ser Laenor's funeral. It was not as grand an affair as Laena's. I think Lord Corlys and Princess Rhaenys were eager for us to leave – I do not think they like either Rhaenyra or my father very well. I cannot blame them. Neither has said a word to me since we arrived on Dragonstone five days ago. I suppose it is the best outcome I could hope for, for I know Daemon to be capable of much worse.

Have you heard that Daemon and Rhaenyra were married? It happened only two days ago. I did not attend the ceremony, but I almost wish I had, as it was done in the Valyrian tradition. It would have been fascinating to see in reality what I have only read about and imagined for so long. But I could not have stood to be around my father for so long—to witness him in a moment of joy. I would have been sick, I think.

I have been settled in rooms in the opposite wing from the rest of them. I am grateful for this, for it means I do not have to see my sisters or Jace and Luke (who are now my step-brothers, as awful a thought as that is) more often than necessary. While I am allowed to break my fast and take my luncheon in my rooms, I am still required to attend dinner with the family.

Jace and Baela have taken to mocking me. Once, Baela wondered aloud whether my face would scar, and the way she suggested that she wished they would. Jace often tries to goad me by praising his brother for what he did to you. Luke has said very little, but he does smile when they make their comments. I wager once his nose has healed, he'll join them, as well.

It is worse than how Aegon mocks us. I don't really know how to explain it. But after what he did on Driftmark, defending you and saying aloud what the entire court has known for so long, I no longer believe he was acting out of malice. With my new siblings, it is. They want to hurt me. And they do. But, like Aegon, they lost interest once they realized they would get no reaction from me.

So now I simply sit in silence and eat my food—which on this barren island mainly consists of fish, which you know I hate. It does help to imagine throwing my food at them or cramming the entire stupid down their throats, but I obviously cannot actually do so.

As soon as the meal is done, I retreat to my rooms. Though it is lonely without Brynna and the rest of my companions from King's Landing and Runestone, it is better than facing Daemon and the rest. I never thought I would, but I find myself praying for my father to continue ignoring me.

But oh! I am selfish. I have not asked anything of you. How was the ride on Vhagar? Have you ridden her since? Surely she cannot fit in the Dragonpit, so where does she lie?

And most importantly, how is your wound? Are you reading this letter yourself, or is Orwyle reading it for you? If he is, let him know how much I appreciate him and that I hope he is treating you gently.

Please write back to me soon. I have not yet been brave enough to try to find the library here, so I am near to going mad with boredom.


Sent to the Red Keep from Dragonstone on the 19th day in the third month of the year, 124 years after Aegon's Conquest.


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