0 - wildest dreams

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Maeve Abrams was ten years old when she first heard a Taylor Swift song, she was in the car with her mom when 'Tim McGraw' came on the radio, ever since that day she's never gone a day without listening to Taylor. 

Taylor Swift was twenty-seven years old when she first heard a Maeve Abrams song, she was in the car with her, now ex, boyfriend when 'Break Me' came on the radio, ever since that day she's never gone a day without listening to Maeve.


13:32 PM, October 21st 2022 - The Abrams' Household


Maeve and Gracie are both at home for the week, both just wanting a break from work and missing their family. They're sat on Gracie's bed, both on their phones, scrolling on TikTok when Gracie gets a text from her manager, 'You're opening for Taylor Swift on her next tour, I'll send you an email with all the information, Taylor's team will as well.'

Gracie's mouth drops open, yes she went to Taylor's birthday party last year, but she never thought that she would be able to open for Taylor motherfucking Swift.

"I'm opening for Taylor, officially, like I'm gonna tour with her!" Gracie shrieks, still in shock and grabs Maeve's arm.

"For fucking real dude?!" Maeve gasps, "I'm so proud of you Cie!" Maeve tightly hugs her little sister, both girls absolutely in shock. Soon Gracie's phone rings, Taylor's name popping up, the ringing stops as Gracie accepts the call and puts it on speaker and Taylor's voice fills the room "Hey Gracie, did you get the news yet?" They hear Taylor grin.

"Yeah I did, just a few minutes ago! It's so insane! You really want me coming on tour with you?"

"Obviously, dude! You're literally so insanely talented I think I need you on this tour with me" Taylor chuckles and Maeve laughs quietly in the background, "Oo is that Maeve?! How are you doin'?"

"I've been good, I'm so excited for your new album!" Maeve replies.

"Me too, I'm so excited for it to be out in the world!"

"No but this one has been non-stop talking about it- every other sentence is 'what do you think Taylor's new album is gonna be?!' ect, ect!" Gracie chuckles.

Maeve facepalms, groaning "I- well no! Not every other sentence! 'M just curios, is that a crime?!"

"Hm, next time I see you, I'll give you a CD of all my new unreleased songs- that'll probably never get released, you two are in LA, right?" Both Maeve and Gracie hum in unison, "Well in that case it can be like, tomorrow.. If you two are free..?"

"Uh- I am, but Grac-" Maeve starts before getting interrupted by Gracie.

"Taylor, I'm actually not but Maeve is. I can try and join you two later on, but don't hold off because of lil old me."

"I'll see you tomorrow- shit Maeve I don't have your number, Gracie can you text it too me?"

"Of course, send me lots of pictures, I wanna feel like I'm there! Bye Tay."

"See you Tomorrow, Taylor!"

"Bye Bye, you two, see you soon Maeves!" Taylor grins before hanging up the call and waiting for Gracie to send over Maeve's number.


Both Abrams sisters just sit in shock for a few minutes before August walks in, "It's too early, why were you two screaming?" He groans before walking out. Maeve and Gracie both burst out laughing at their little brother, "Its 1:40, PM! Auggie, you just stayed up late!" Maeve shouts through the door.

"I am opening for Taylor Alison Swift. Gracie Madigan Abrams is opening for Taylor Alison Swift." Gracie states.

"My little sister is opening for Taylor Alison Swift." Maeve replies, "That's insane, I'm so proud of you though, I really am, you deserve this."

"You're gonna come to all the shows right? I don't think I can do this without you," Gracie mumbles into Maeve's shoulder. 

"I'll try, I promise, at least the first one, I can guarantee that" Maeve responds, kissing the top of Gracie's head as Gracie nods in acknowledgement. "Dude I'm having lunch with Taylor Swift, tomorrow-! The fuck do I wear?!"

"Maevie, you'll be fine, she already loves you, it'll feel like you've know each other for years!"


10:21 AM, October 22nd 2022 - The Abrams' Household


"Gracie, don't leave- I need your expertise!"

Gracie turns on her heels, walking back over to her older sister, "On?"

"Is this cute?" Maeve questions, holding up a long white skirt, a grey, graphic, baby-tee and a black oversized cardigan.

Gracie's eye's scan over the outfit, "Maevie that's your everyday outfit! You basically wore that two days ago," She sighs "But yes, basic always works and now I have to work!"

"Bye Madi!" Maeve calls out, stifling giggles.

"Fuck ya, love ya!" Gracie adds before leaving the house.


About an hour later, Maeve is just about ready and her phone dings, the name 'taybff!' and a message under the name saying 'i'm outside your house right now 😝! you almost done or can  i come in?- gracie told me where your hidden key is..' 

Maeve giggles softly and then types out a reply, 'i'm literally putting my shoes on, give me a second'


a/n - hi everyone! this is the first chapter/introduction chapter! i can't tell if it's really short but hopefully the actual chapters will be a little longer !!

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