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==Chapter 1==

"How could this be, I throw everything I got and still.. nothing" We hear someone saying to a man beside him. "Grandpa!" "Pan?, Pan get out of here" Goku say with a hint of worry in his voice.

"Heh, you should listen to your grandpa kid." Baby say with a smirk on his face, while charging a ki blast in his hand."Take this!, ha" the ki blast was going directly towards Pan,"Hmph" We see someone deflecting the attack.

"What are you doing standing there, do what your grandpa's saying and get out of here." We see a kid in front of Pan protecting her from the blast, he is wearing a blue gi just like Goku, with messy black hair and charcoal eyes, we can also see that he has a tail. "Baby now I'm your opponent" he say while charging towards him, with his fist back ready to punch him. "Hah" he throws a right hook at his face, but Baby dodge it and land a punch in his stomach stunning him, and throwing double axe handle sending him to the ground."(Y/N)!!, are you okay?!" Goku say with worry in his voice.

"Is that all you got monkey, I'm disappointed" " yeah I'm okay.I'm not done with you Baby" he say while charging a ki attack in his hands "Kaa..." we see a blue orb forming in between his hands and getting bigger. "Mee...Haa..." the blue orb continues growing in size. "Mee..." "do you think that attack will do something to me, heh then think twice, galick gun!" Baby put one hand in top of the other and bend it back to the side of his face, while a purple energy is getting charged "take this!!" Baby send his attack at (Y/N).

The attack keeps coming closer to (Y/N), but just at the last second the (Y/N) teleports behind Baby, while he shoots the attack right at his back. "You're finished Baby, HA!!" The attack hits and sends Baby into the ground. There was a lot of smoke where he landed. "Huh, is that all you got saiyan" "No, I still got more in me" After seeing that, (Y/N) goes directly at him with barrage of punches.

Baby seeing this goes into a defensive position to block the punches, he tries to counterattack some of the punches but (Y/N) dodges and continues to throw hits at him. "Hmph, he is quick, I need to finish this now." Baby thought and dodged an attack that was coming to his face, he then throws a heavy blow to the middle part of (Y/N)'s body, this stunning him, making him vulnerable, with this Baby start throwing heavy blows, with one final attack to the top of his head he is send to the ground.

Baby start charging an attack to finish (Y/N) for good. "This is the end saiyan, better say goodbye" while saying that he throws the Ki attack to (Y/N). "Heh, I think this is it, it was a good life while it lasted. Goodbye everyone, thank you for everything" we see how the attack is reaching him trying to end his life.

"AAHH" He wakes up with a scream and huffing, it seems that everything we saw was a dream. (Y/N) gets up from his bed and starts to put on his blue gi, and goes outside to take some fresh air and calm himself down. "Who were those people, they seem familiar" he thought, he looks up to the blue skies with some fluffy clouds, that's when he see a golden light coming his way."What is that? Hm" in one moment to another the golden light hit him in the head making him fall backwards. "ah"

"..." he gets up with the golden orb in his hand. "What is this sphere and where it came from?. Hm, Maybe God sent it, but for what I didn't do anything wrong?" He went to deep thought about the meaning of the ball with the stars. "Hmm. I don't get it. Alright I will leave it for later because it's time for breakfast." We see him leaving his house that is located in the middle of  a mountain valley. He starts walking up the mountain to go and find a  small lake to fish. While he is walking, he thinks back about the dream he had, trying to figure out if it got something to do with his past life or it was only bad dream? He keeps walking up the mountain and at some point he finds a good spot for fishing and starts walking towards it.

"Ok, this place's looks good for fishing, let's start then" he start taking his clothes off and putting it aside with the golden sphere and goes for a dive to the lake. After a couple of minutes we see him jump out of the lake with a big fish in his hands "ok, let's cook this fish." He starts making a bonfire to start cooking the big fish. "Mmm, smells good." Couple of minutes pass and the fish was ready to eat. "Ok. it's ready, thank you for the food" He start eating the fish while looking at the sky thinking if there is something better than this, or maybe there is something better than this, but he couldn't care less at the moment because he likes it as it is right now. A peaceful life without a worry of the world and just focusing on surviving the days. "Now, this is something that we agree on right grandpa. I know that you are watching over me, do you like it over there? I hope you're doing better than I am. Thank you for everything you teach me. Ok, time for some training." He say while getting up and go back down the mountain to do the training near his house. While that is happening the camera starts looking and the sky while the title of the series shows between two clouds.

Ok first chapter out, just to add something I will try my best to finish this story, also I wanna publish all the dragon ball saga so maybe I will be here for a couple of years maybe. So thank you for reading even if this chapter is short, Also if you wanna comment some feedback on how I can improve, you're are welcome to do it. Maybe the next chapter will be longer than this one, and will take weeks to finish if that true. Thank you 😁

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19 ⏰

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