Chapter 24: Let The Exams Begin

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Xiao Zhao woke up bright and early the day of the exam. He passed Li Qing's room and stopped. Should I knock and check on him? He glanced at the wooden, silent door. No, he can figure it out himself. Besides, his face is as blank as this door. Why would I want to talk to that ice face?

Xiao Zhao continued on his way. He descended the steps and found a table at the corner of the room. As he sat down, a waiter came up to him. "I want two mán tou and a hard boiled egg."

"Ah, ok," the waiter nodded as he hurried away. Soon, he was back with Xiao Zhao's order. Xiao Zhao hunched over, picked up the mán tou, and started to shove it into his mouth. He had just finished the first one when he heard someone set something down on the table and plop down on the stool beside him. He furtively glanced to his right.

Li Qing sat beside him like it was no one's business. He picked up a pair of chopsticks and quickly tapped the ends of the chopsticks on the table to ensure they were even and started to eat.

Xiao Zhao stared at Li Qing with confusion.

As if realizing he was being watched, Li Qing suddenly gave a death stare. If looks could kill I'd be dead. Xiao Zhao thought to himself. He returned to eating his food, but this time, twice as fast.

In no time, Xiao Zhao was finished. He quickly got up and scurried away from Li Qing. I don't know how I offended him. Why did he sit beside me? Wasn't there other tables he could sit at? Why did he have to sit beside me of all people?

When he returned to his room, Xiao Zhao quickly packed up. Today would be the day where he would take his fate into his own hands. No one could stop him this time, nor would he let anyone. He took out the curved piece of glass and caressed it. He smiled.

Grabbing his books, he put them in his bag. Next he started folding his blanket. Before he knew it, he suddenly felt dizzy. He quickly collapsed on the ground. Pain shot through his whole body as he started to shake. At first the shaking started gently but soon, it became more and more violent. Not again. Xiao Zhao thought. As his sight became more blurry, he thought he saw Li Qing enter the room. 


    Mo Ran was just passing by Xiao Zhao's room when he heard a thud emit from inside the room. Should I... He held up his hand about to knock but hesitated. He wasn't in the habit of checking on someone. He also didn't want to bother Xiao Zhao. But he has Dan Wen. If something happens to him, I would never forgive myself. Why wouldn't you forgive yourself? He is supposed to die anyway. This is your mission. But I don't know if it will still work if the owner dies. Excuses! You just don't want to kill him! What? Since when did I ever hesitate to kill someone?

    "Ok ok," Mo Ran said loudly as he tried to shut up the two voices inside his head. He sighed. What would Rui Ming do? Hmmm. That's easy. She would check on him. I'll check up on him. Mo Ran decided.

    He knocked on the door. There was no answer. He knocked again. "Xiao Zhao. It's me," he called as he knocked.

    Still no luck.

    He pushed the door open and glanced to his left. His eyes flew open. Xiao Zhao's whole body was shaking violently on the ground. His mouth was bubbling with white saliva. Mo Ran shot his hand out toward the double doors and they closed imediately .

    He rushed over to Xiao Zhao and sat down cross-legged. Quickly, he summoned his inner force and used his hand to direct the inner force to Xiao Zhao's head. Mo Ran closed his eyes as he felt his inner force ebbing away. Suddenly, blood involuntarily came up his throat and he spat it out. Wiping away the blood, he continued. His body was getting weaker but despite this, he continued. Finally, he was done. Having adjusted his inner force, he opened his eyes.

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