Part 2: Give me your keys!

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"Give me your keys, please Alaz" Asi put her hand out to Alaz waiting for him to pass over the keys.

"Er, excuse me you want my keys? why...?" Alaz replied sounding a little bit more defensive than he intended to sound.

"What do you mean why Alaz, what do you think I am going to do with your keys, wear them around my neck? To drive obviously!" Asi was already a bundle of nerves and she could not handle Alaz's antics right now.

"Wait you drive? Why didn't I know you drive? Do you have a license?" again Alaz sounded a lot more defensive and accusatory than he meant to sound, but he was honestly shocked.

"Yes, you never asked and no I don't technically have a license but I have been driving since I was 12." Asi was trying to hurry up this mini interrogation.

Alaz tried to control his facial expression trying not to look so shocked but he never really had a good poker face. "you drive without a license but isn't that..." Alaz leaned in a little "illegal?" Asi was convinced Alaz was just trying to annoy her at this point.

"Alaz do you know where I come from do you want me to list all the illegal things I've done? we would be here all night!" Asi said this in defence of herself but the thought of all those occasions gave her a slight knot in her stomach, these were not memories she would like to relive. "Pass the keys Alaz, I promise I won't hurt your precious car. I can guarantee I'm 10x the driver you are!"

"Oh really?" Alaz replied with a slight raised eyebrow he was not overjoyed about the idea of Asi driving his car but there was something about Asi when she gets cocky that drives Alaz crazy. He is the only one that really knows how to bring this side out of her.

"Okay fine, we're going to have to test these amazing Schumacher abilities then aren't we" "just please look after my baby" Asi scoffed and eye rolled so hard at his last comment that her eyes almost rolled to the back of her head.

"okay, okay relax and get in the car Alaz!" Asi chuckled as she grabbed the keys and got in the front seat. Seeing Asi relaxing with him in this way made Alaz finally feel content for the first time in a long time.

As Asi and Alaz drive Asi tries to concentrate on the road, although she is confident in her skills she hasn't actually driven a car like this ever and she does not want crash Alaz's 'baby'. It didn't help that from the corner of her eyes she could see Alaz gawking at her.

Alaz could not help himself but stare at Asi every time he is alone with her. All he can think of his how grateful he is that he gets to be around her and spend time with her and look at her as much as he wants.

"Can you stop staring Alaz, it's distracting!" Asi finally breaks the silence.

" It's honestly your own fault! stop looking like that then maybe I won't stare" Alaz bites back.

"Or maybe I could give you another distraction?" Alaz slowly starts to trace his finger over Asi's arm that is resting on the side and then slightly grazes over her thigh as he takes his hand away.

"Alaz! you little.." Asi swats Alaz's hand away. "do you know how dangerous that is?! do you want to kill us!"

"Actually no I've never tried it before, shall we test it?" Alaz knew he was pushing the boundaries a bit but who was going to if he wasn't. He also knew that Asi enjoyed it as much as he did because if she didn't his head would've been imprinted in the window by now.

"Alaz I will drop you straight off home, if you carry on!" Asi retorted.

"Okay fine can you at least tell me where we are going?" Alaz asks unable to hold in the curiosity

"It's a surprise; you'll see when we get there!" Asi says not 100% convinced this was the best idea.

*sorry for the short parts I just find it easier to organise like this I hope you like this quick one; next one will be longer*

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