Chapter 1

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Chapter 1


"We been together since I was thirteen. You're my best friend. After everything we been through I see you in bed with her" I said as the tears ran down my face. "I'm sorry" my best friend Jojo said as she fixed her blouse and left the bedroom. "What did you expect Dream. We been together for thirteen years. It has been more down than ups with you. There was dealing with you and everything the system put you through. There was your drug addiction. There was your cancer stage. There was your homeless stage. I was never happy and I dated you out of pity. I felt sorry. Your warm heart is why I briefly fell for you but the feelings didn't last long. You do nothing with your life. All you do is come to mine and Jojo games, watch her dance, watch me play, and be our cheerleader. You don't work, you don't cook, you don't clean. You just smile for the camera and be my trophy girlfriend and I'm sick of that" Sam said angrily. I rushed downstairs to see her aunt Roxanna, and her parents sitting around drinking. They noticed me and her parents looked sympathetic while Roxanna looked annoyed by my presence. We been at each other throats since I met her a few years ago. I was in college and going through a drug addiction. I stole from Sam and Rox didn't take well to me stealing from her niece. Even though I been clean for a few years she still thinks I'm full of shit. I walked out the house and headed to Jojo parents house. They comforted me as I cried and apologized for their daughters betrayal and actions. "Sweetie we get that you're hurting but sitting around crying won't do anything. When my husband cheated on me, I showed him why I was the better woman. You better fight to get Sam back. Show her why you're better than my daughter" said Mrs Plak Jojo mom. "How do you expect me to do that" I said as I wiped my tears. "You might have heard the team is looking for a new Angel dancer. You were there when the dancer broke her leg at the last game. Get off your ass and put yourself inside their world" Mrs Plak said. "You know your daughter is the captain and she's my best friend. I can't do that to her. I can't betray her like that. Besides I never danced a day in my life" I responded. "Then stay here and cry and continue protecting the feelings of someone that had no problem hurting yours." After that there was silence. She told me her and her husband were going to bed. I sat there on the couch and stared at the flyer Jojo made looking for new dancers. I thought about what her mom said. Sam and I been through too much for me to lose her so easily. Maybe I should play dirty. I will do anything to make Sam mines again.

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