Part 1

32 5 17

(This is season 2 of "His Nostalgic Love")



"Hey, give me my phone back, you idiot!" Miraal shouted at Behlul, her voice filled with frustration as she started hitting him with whatever she could find on the table-pens, notebooks, even a pillow.

"Ouch, stop it, Moon!" Behlul yelped, trying to dodge her frantic attacks.

"First, give me my phone back, or I'll literally make you bleed with my nails!" she threatened, her anger palpable.

"Okay, okay, here, take it," he said, holding out the phone as if to hand it to her. But just as she reached for it, he pulled it back and bolted out of the room, laughing mischievously.

"Yaaah! I'll kill you, Behlul!" she screamed, chasing after him. She burst out of the room, her eyes scanning the hallway until she spotted him hiding behind Zoya, who was busy packing her bags.

Zoya glanced up, surprised by the commotion. "What are you two doing?" she asked, her tone a mix of curiosity and exasperation. Behlul clung to her, using her as a shield as Miraal lunged at him.

"Mom, she broke my new expensive laptop! She needs to be punished!" Behlul whined, tightening his grip on Zoya.

Miraal shot back, "Mom, he was continuously provoking me! I broke it in anger!" Her face was flushed with both frustration and embarrassment.

Zoya's eyes widened in shock. "Moon, you broke his laptop because you were angry?" She turned to Miraal, her expression stern.

Miraal avoided her mother's gaze, her anger still simmering as she glared at Behlul. She didn't say anything, just stormed out of the room, slamming the door behind her.

Zoya sighed and turned to Behlul, who had finally let go of her. He sat down in front of her, looking a bit sheepish. "Behlul, my love, you know her nature. Please don't provoke her. Try to be more caring towards her," she said softly, cupping his cheeks.

"But Mom, I'm the elder one. She needs to respect me. You saw how she was shouting and hitting me," he complained, feeling a bit wronged.

Zoya smiled gently, "I know, and Insha'Allah, she will learn to respect you more with time. But for now, be the bigger person and make her mood better. We have to leave for Korea tomorrow."

Behlul's confusion deepened. "Korea? For what?" he asked, furrowing his brows.

Zoya's smile widened, a twinkle in her eyes. "You know it's for something good," she teased.

He stared at her, realization dawning slowly. "Don't tell me, Mom... you're...?" His eyes lit up with excitement.

She nodded, her smile never fading. "Yes, we're going to ask for Parisa's hand in marriage for you."

Behlul practically jumped with joy, wrapping his arms around his mother and kissing her forehead. "Mom, I love you! I love you so much! Thank you!"

Zoya laughed, feeling his joy radiate through her. "Now, go and pack your stuff. And remind Moon to start packing too. We're leaving early tomorrow."

"Yes, I will! But first, let me offer my Nafl prayers for Shukrana," he said, his voice full of gratitude as he rushed off to his room.

Behlul performed his ablution and offered his prayers, raising his hands in sincere dua afterward.

"Oh my Rabb, I am so thankful that You have fulfilled my wishes. We are going to ask for Pari's hand from Ahmed Uncle. You are so merciful, my Allah. I promise I will keep her happy always because I love her so much. Please bless this union and guide us to a life filled with love, understanding, and faith. Ameen."

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