Chapter 29: An Anticlimactic Debut

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The moment Leah settled down in the bed of the Pokemon Center room, she felt her phone buzz. Mrs. Cuddletails cooed in curiosity while Zayn focused on cleaning Níðhöggr's shell. Mildred was already asleep. Leah opened her phone to see a text message from Adeline. The two girls conversed for a good part of the evening until Leah had to call it a night. Zayn climbed into bed, "So who were you talking to?"

"Adeline." Leah stated, "She had some things that she needed to tell me about Team Flare's intentions."

"And those are?" Zayn asked with a yawn.

"Genocide and I don't think Adeline would've told me this if she was a willing participant in this."

Zayn embraced Leah and brought her closer to him, "You know damn well that I don't trust her, but I do have to agree with you about that point."

Leah hummed in response and kissed Zayn. She wished him a good night and drifted off in his arms. The following morning, the trio prepared for the day. Leah, Zayn and Mildred sat at a table and peacefully ate their breakfast. Zayn turned to Leah, "Any news from Adeline?"

Leah took a bite from her waffle and shook her head, "Other than last night, I got nothing yet."

"Adeline talked to you last night?" Mildred chimed in.

"Yeah, she texted me to inform me of Team Flare's plans." Mildred nodded in understanding and Leah soon added, "Oh, I should mention, there's a Beginner Class Pokemon Showcase here, if you're fast enough, you may be able to sign up for it."

Mildred smiled, "I hope that she's alright."

"So do I, Millie." Leah sighed.

Leah, Zayn and Mildred walked to the Pokemon Showcase theater. Leah's hand was comfortably in Zayn's hand. The trio discussed the information Adeline provided them with until Leah started giving Mildred some advice for the performance and how to cope with the crowd per the latter's request, "The theme performance here is Pokemon Styling so little word of advice: don't make the outfit too long; Lady Lemeow could trip on it. Oh and don't forget to smile." Leah offered Mildred a small smile and gave her a gentle tap on the back, "Break a leg, Millie, we'll be rooting for you!"

Mildred gave Mrs. Cuddletails a pat and faced Leah, "Thanks Leah."

Mildred turned heel and went to sign up before going to the changing rooms. Leah followed Zayn to where the audience would be seated. It felt weird to be in the audience rather than on stage and Leah couldn't help the wave of nostalgia she felt at the sight of the stage.

The moment Leah launched Mrs. Cuddletails upwards for her finale, the Vulpix engulfed herself in flames and twirled as Krystal, Sophie Seki-Larose's Glaceon, summoned multiple shards of ice. As she leapt off of Leah's extended arm, Krystal hurled the shards towards Mrs. Cuddletails. The light of the Flame Charge's flames hit the shards of ice at just the right angle, creating an elegant light show.

Mrs. Cuddletails' Flame Charge eventually dissipated. The Vulpix summoned a blanket of flames towards each shard of ice, thus creating a multitude of water droplets and little embers. Leah twirled as the Vulpix plummeted and landed on Leah's hand with a singular paw to hold her weight. Krystal stood by Leah's feet. The crowd was screeching gleefully. Panic filled Leah's senses as she was declared the winner.

Before the first trio of performers were sent on stage, the host ascended from the elevator in the center of the stage, "Bonjour ladies, gentlemen and other distinguished guests! Welcome to our beginner class Pokemon Showcase! I am Monsieur Pierre and I will be your host for today's showcase." The man walked around the stage, "Today's theme performance will be Pokemon styling, only three lucky performers will be able to get to the next round. For our first trio of performers, s'il vous plaît souhaiter la bienvenue à Serena..."

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